you help her relax when she's stressed

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You could see it on her face from the minute she walked through the door. Her day was bad, clearly really bad judging from the fact that she didn't even say hello to you like she usually does. She just fell back against the couch and buried her face in her hands.

You knew just what she needed and how to help.

You silently went up the stairs and ran a warm bath for her. You also turned on some of her favorite songs and grabbed her favorite set of pajamas before you went back downstairs to get her.

You rubbed her arm making her lift her head. She looked exhausted and so worn out, the dark circles under her eyes due to her lack of sleep made you worry a little more. You took her hand and she whined when you tried to pull her up. "C'mon, Tay. I did something special for you. It's gonna make you feel better."

She sighed but stood and followed you up the stairs. She gasped when she saw what you had done for you. "Y/n... you did this for me?" You started to lift up her shirt and saw her smile. "Of course. You need to relax."

She stepped out of her clothes and into the water. She let out a sigh, relieved and content when the warm water hit her skin and tense muscles. "Too warm?" She shook her head and closed her eyes. "No. It's perfect. Thank you,"

You kissed the top of her head and admired how relaxed she finally looked, you stood up. But Taylor didn't want you to leave. She grabbed your hand and held it in her own. "You're not staying here with me?"

You tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and shook your head. "Nope. You need to relax, really relax. You need to stretch out those achy muscles and clear your mind as that water washes away all your worries. I'm gonna be right in the bedroom waiting for you though. I promise."

You pressed a kiss to her hand and watched from the doorway as she leaned back against the tub and let her stresses drift away. You sneakily went down to the kitchen and quickly made her favorite tea and food, knowing those two things can always help her destress.

You then went back upstairs and just a minute later Taylor came out, looking adorable and cuddly in her favorite pajamas. When she saw the food and drink waiting for her she looked at you with the most loving gaze, her heart feeling like it might burst from how much you were doing for her just to make her feel a little better.

She climbed into bed and began to eat, of course sharing some of it with you with a happy smile and bright eyes.

When you both finished she curled up to you and sighed. Her muscles no longer felt tense. She was noticeably much more relaxed.

She kissed your arm and you giggled making her do the same. "Thank you for everything you did for me today. You're absolutely amazing. I had the worst day and you seriously made it all better."

You patted your lap and she rested her head on it, closing her eyes as you began to twirl her hair around your fingers. "I'm happy I could help. You always do so much for me, always going out of your way to make things better for me when I'm down or when I have a rough day. And you deserve to get spoiled too."

She smiled and let out a little hum. "Love you so much. I don't know what I would ever do without you."

You kissed her nose, smiling against it when she giggled. "Get some sleep, my love. You deserve it." You kept playing with her hair until her breathing grew steady and she fell asleep. Seeing her like this was a wonderful feeling. You'd definitely be doing things for her like this more often.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now