"you're the one I love" (requested)

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The repeated knocking on your front door woke you from your sleep.

You opened it to find Taylor standing there fidgeting with her fingers as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Taylor? Are you okay?"

Without saying a word she threw her arms around you and cried into your shoulder. "I know it's late and I'm sorry for waking you but something happened and I needed to talk to you." You saw the hurt in her eyes as she pulled away from you.

You didn't know what to do. You've never really seen her like this before and you didn't know why she'd come to you when she has Joe at home.

But this was your childhood best friend and you'd never turn your back on her and especially not in a time of need. So you just closed your front door, grabbed her hand, and led her to the couch. You sat there quietly for a minute, neither of you saying a word.

"Taylor, what's wrong?"

"I broke up with Joe..."

Your eyes went wide and your heart felt like it was pounding against your chest. You were torn on how to feel; part of you felt bad for her because you knew she loved him, or you thought she did. But the other part of you felt a little... relieved and happy. Because you've always loved Taylor and not just as a friend.

In fact, just weeks ago, you made your feelings clear to her. It didn't really end that well and she ended up leaving your apartment quickly, which is the biggest reason why you were taken aback when you saw her at your door. She hasn't really spoken to you since that day and you thought she was upset with you.

You shook your head and pulled yourself out of your thoughts, looking back at the woman in front of you that was clearly upset.

"Taylor... why would you do that? You love him." You put your hand on her arm and her head shot up. She shook her head frantically and it made you frown.

"I do... or I did. I thought I did. But I don't. Because I love you."

Your heart started doing leaps in your chest. This couldn't be real. You figured you had to be dreaming. No, she hadn't shown up at your front door at two am to tell you this, it was all just a dream...

But the touch of her hand on your arm just a second later let you know that you weren't dreaming. This was really happening.

"Taylor-" "Don't say anything. Not yet, just hear me out first." You nodded your head and let her continue.

"That day when you told me that you loved me... I didn't know what to think. I didn't leave because I was upset at you but because I was confused and conflicted about how I felt. I thought I loved Joe but I've always loved you. From when we were young. I've always had feelings for you but I suppressed them because I thought you'd never feel the same way as me. I thought I didn't have a chance. Joe is great but not as great as you are. You're the one I love y/n."

You felt her fingers brush your hand. You looked into her eyes before you looked down and watched her intertwine your fingers together. Your breath hitched and your heart was racing. It all felt so surreal.

"You really love me?" You looked back up at her and watched a soft smile appear on her face. She nodded her head and gazed into your eyes. And you couldn't help but smile back at her.

"I love you too, Tay." Her smile grew wider and her eyes lit up.

A comfortable silence settled over you two for a minute. Neither of you knew what to say next.

"So where do we go from here?" You asked, your voice quiet. Taylor bit her lip and just shook her head before quickly cupping your chin and pulling you in for a kiss.

You smiled against her lips. Finally, the moment you've always dreamed of was happening. And it was better than you imagined it would be.

You put your head on her shoulder, a blush covering your cheeks making her laugh. She brought her hand to your back and rubbed circles across it. Her eyes and heart were both filled with pure love for you.

"I really do you love you, y/n." She said as she stroked your hair. She thought you had fallen asleep since you've been quiet for a few minutes now, but you weren't.

"I love you too, Taylor." You whispered with a sleepy smile as you fell asleep with your head on her shoulder, wrapped up safe in her arms for the very first time, and you knew it wouldn't be the last.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now