I knew it all along (requested)

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"Ready to go, beautiful girl?" Taylor asked as she stepped through the door of your shared bedroom. But she was surprised to find you sat at the foot of the bed. "What's wrong?"

"Just nervous, I guess. It's a big night."

"It is." She agreed as she sat beside you and reached for your hand to intertwine it with hers. She squeezed your hand a few times and watched a small smile tug at your lips in response. "Your first awards show! It's exciting!"

"And scary."

She shook her head with a small chuckle and said, "Maybe so. I know you've got your first nomination tonight. That's major, baby! Best new artist is something to be proud of, even if you don't win it. Although think you're going to."

You laid your head on her shoulder and smoothed out your dress.

"Call me biased but I think you're the best of them all."

When you looked up at her she didn't waste a single second in laying a kiss on your lips. She caressed your cheek and gave you a reminder you really needed to hear.

"Whatever happens, happens. Just know that I think you're the brightest star of them all. You've accomplished so much this year with your music and you've broken so many records and I, your biggest fan always, am so very proud of you."

"Thank you." You pecked her cheek, giggling when you saw the red lipstick left behind. "I'm ready, but you've got some lipstick on your cheek."

"Okay." She grinned and took your hand to lead you down the stairs. The limo was already outside waiting. Taylor let you slide in first before she got in and you drove off to the award show.

After a good forty-five minutes spent on the red carpet doing interviews and having photo after photo was taken, you were walking hand in hand with Taylor into the building. While you were up for best new artist, Taylor was up for best female artist and album of the year, among a couple of other major categories.

You took a seat in the front row and Taylor sat down beside you. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you looked around at everyone. So many big names from Khalid to BTS to some new artists in the same category as you! You felt so nervous as you looked around. So many big names and familiar faces.

But as your mind started to race, Taylor took your hand once again and squeezed it comfortingly.

"I'm here." She reminded you and kissed your hand softly, just before the lights went low and the screams from the crowd became loud as the show started.

Time was going by both far too quickly. You let your guard down, finding yourself dancing and singing along with Taylor when artists would perform and cheering loudly when Taylor won two of her nominations.

But then, the moment came. Your hands were shaking as they announced the nominees for best new artist and you found yourself squeezing Taylor's hand tighter than ever before and burying your face in her dress.

And your heart almost stopped when you heard your name called as the winner.

You lifted your head quickly, looking at Taylor with the widest eyes she'd ever seen before. You stood up from your seat and threw your arms around her and she hugged you tightly and whispered softly in your ear.

"I'm so proud of you! Go, baby, go! Go get your award!"

Your knees were shaking as you walked up the stairs and along the stage. Your eyes instantly fell onto Taylor who was cheering and grinning from ear to ear, tapping other artists in the front row on the shoulder and bragging proudly.

"That's my girlfriend." She'd say and you'd laugh watching the words fall from her red lips.

"Oh," you squealed. "This is the best day ever." You spoke with a giggle. "Thanks to everyone who voted for me and to everyone who has listened to my music. I'm really grateful." You said and looked at your feet as your cheeks turned red at the applause and cheers that followed. "I want to say a special thank you to my girlfriend."

The camera panned to Taylor, showing her grinning from ear to ear as you spoke.

"My biggest fan. Thank you for always supporting me. I don't know where I'd be or what I'd ever do without you. Thanks for always believing in me. You make me a better person and a better artist. I love you."

You walked off the stage and behind the curtain as the show went to commercials. But you quickly ran back out into the crowd and right into Taylor's arms.

She caught you in them, instantly spinning you around and hugging you tightly. Despite all the cameras and eyes on you both, it felt like only the two of you existed.

"You're the sweetest. You almost made me cry." She said as she brushed her thumb along your cheeks.

"I mean every word. Thanks for always believing in me."

"Baby girl, this is only the beginning. I will never stop believing in you and telling you how wonderful, talented, and deserving you are. You deserve everything, beautiful girl. I'm so proud of you."

You threw your arms back around her and let out a shaky sigh. Brushing your lips along her collarbone, you closed your eyes and thanked your lucky stars to not only be able to have moments like these, but to also share them with Taylor; your biggest supporter.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now