she kisses your neck to get your attention

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You heard the front door close before the cushion beside you dipped as Taylor plopped down on it and let out a heavy sigh.

She looked over at you and frowned when she saw you were so busy reading the new book in your hands that you hadn't really even noticed she was home yet.

"Y/n? I'm home!" Taylor said as she pushed down on your book, causing it to almost fall onto your lap. You turned your head and leaned over to kiss her cheek softly.

"Hey, Tay."

She furrowed her eyebrows at your response. That's all she gets? After her long, hard day at the studio? Where they kept pushing her to finish song after song and Taylor became so stressed out she decided she'd come home to you, where she knew she'd be less stressed out, only to just get a 'hey, Tay'?

That wasn't nearly enough for Taylor. She wanted more than that. She needed more than that.

She let out a few dramatic sighs as she stared at you, hoping to see you drop that book she already hated. But when you only continued to flip the pages of your story she realized she had no other choice.

So, with a huff, she pulled the book straight out of your hands.

"Taylor! What the hell? I was reading... that."

Your last word became more of a sigh when you felt Taylor press her lips to your neck. You closed your eyes as she moved your hair to the other side of your neck as her lips trailed over your skin.

"You smell good," she said as she sank her teeth into your skin causing you to jump and squeeze her side.

"There. See, this is all I've wanted. I had a long day and all I want is my girlfriend's attention." She mumbled against your skin.

She was surprised when you pushed at her chest making her pull her lips away from your neck. She was about to ask you why you did that when you suddenly grabbed her chin and pulled her in for a kiss.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you at first. But I'm even sorrier you had a bad day. Tell me all about it. I'm all ears, baby girl." You smiled.

Taylor stared at you intently for a moment before she shook her head with a smile and she started to kiss across your face. The sound of your giggles made her forget about all the previous stresses and pressure she had felt.

Needless to say, her day had already approved. She was home with you. She had your full attention and you were letting out the happiest giggle.

She only ever needed one thing to feel better; You.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now