waking her with kisses

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The bright sunshine in your eyes awoke you from your peaceful slumber.

You let out a sigh, relishing in the warmth surrounding you. From the sunlight on your skin to the blanket that was up to your hips, to the warmth that emitted from Taylor, who was still sleeping soundly beside you.

You rolled onto your side to see Taylor's face. Your heart swelled in your chest, overflowing from the love it holds for her. You watched the way her lips would occasionally tug into a smile in her sleep from whatever good dream she was having, to the soft sounds that would escape from her lips here and there.

Her skin was soft as you brushed the tips of your fingers over her cheek. It felt warm from previously having rested her cheek on her pillowcase for hours at a time. You admired the freckles on her skin and when she felt your touch she smiled, although she stayed asleep.

She let out a soft sigh and rolled onto her back. You scooted closer so you could continue caressing her skin. You just so happened to see the numbers on the clock on the table by her side of the bed. The numbers read that it was twenty minutes after ten o'clock.

It made you happy to know that she was able to sleep in a little today. She's been busy for the last few days. She had a lot on her plate but finally found a few days to rest up, thankfully.

You knew she needed her sleep, but you wanted to treat her to some lunch sometime today. She treats you so much and so often and with her busy schedule you haven't really found time to take the opportunity to spoil her and you yearned for a moment like that.

It's also a beautiful day and since she had an early night and a few more days to catch up on the sleep she's been losing, you figured she wouldn't really mind having a day to spend with you; especially since it was such a beautiful one!

You moved to hover over her. You smiled when you laid your hands on her shoulders and she moved a little in her sleep, letting another little soft sound fall from her lips in the process.

You started off by kissing her forehead. Your lips lingered for a second, just taking a moment to let them brush over her skin lovingly. You let them brush along her left cheek afterward, then against her right, then against the tip of her nose which made her smile before she began to move.

She opened her eyes as you trailed them to her chin. You locked eyes, sending her a beautiful and happy smile before moving your lips to kiss the corners of her own.

"This," she paused, relishing in your soft lips against hers. "Is the best way I've woken up in weeks." She put her arms around you, pulling you against her chest. She'd closed her eyes again when you pecked her lips but opened them slowly when you pulled away. Her fingers brushed along your back, her lips moving up into a sweet smile. "I love you."

You kissed her softly, heart fluttering in your chest when she returned it and kissed you back.

"I love you too, Tay. I know it's your first day off in a while and you have to be sleepy from all the sleep you've been missing out on and how hard you've been working, but I want to treat you to a nice lunch at your favorite spot."

"Oh, baby girl," she started to protest, but you placed your index finger over her lips to stop her.

"Don't say that I don't have to. I know I don't have to, but you do the sweetest things for me all the time and it's the first time in a while that I've had the chance to do this. I'm doing it, no arguing."

She giggled and puckered her lips, allowing for them to brush along your finger and the adorable giggle that fell from your lips in return warmed her heart.

"I'd love that." She said. "It's been a while since I've been able to spend time with you, so I'm happy to go to lunch with you."

You tried to wiggle out of her arms so you could start getting ready, but she tightened her grip on you.

"Taylor," you giggled, but she only hummed and pushed your head down to lay on her chest.

"Let me hold onto you for a few minutes. I've missed you."

You couldn't complain about that. Besides, you were quite loving the steady rhythm of her heartbeat in your ear.

"I love you to the moon and back, beautiful girl."

"Love you too, Tay. I'm so excited to spend the next few days with you!"

She smiled as she drew soft circles on your back and said, "Same here, my love."

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now