I love you - part two (requested)

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You spent the next couple of hours pacing the floor and trying to figure out your own feelings.

After being in such a rocky relationship for so long it was scary to realize that you have feelings for someone else. It wasn't that you didn't like Taylor, because you do. But you were scared and hesitant to get into another relationship after being in one so destructive.

But you love Taylor. And though you feel scared you know she's worth the jump. She's only ever treated you well and shown you, love, accepting you for all that you are and always reminding you that all you are is more than good enough.

You went back to her house and took a few deep breaths before knocking on the door. She opened it only a moment later. Her eyes were still red and puffy, indicating that she has still been crying. "Y/n? What are you doing here?"

You nervously looked down at your feet before looking back up at her. "Can I come in? Can we talk?" She nodded and closed the door behind you. You sat down on the couch and saw that the movie that you were watching earlier was still loaded up as if she was hoping you'd be back.

"If it's about earlier-" "it is." You interrupted and heard her take a sharp breath and watched her close her watery blue eyes as if she was preparing herself for you to say that you couldn't be with her, that it was just too much and you didn't feel the same.

"Look, it's not that I don't feel the same, because if we're both being honest with each other - I do." She opened her eyes and stared at you, wondering if she had heard you correctly. "But it's complicated. You know I just got out of a really bad relationship before I met you and it left me feeling scared. I didn't ever think I'd wanna date again."

Taylor nodded her head. She didn't look away from you once. "But, I realized today that, maybe, there is something better out there. That just because one relationship was bad doesn't mean every one will be." You felt Taylor put her hand on your arm, her fingers spreading out across your skin as she rubbed it comfortingly.

"And I guess what I'm trying to say is that... I love you too." She took a sharp breath. It took a second for it to really sink in but when it did she had the biggest smile on her face. 'Seeing you so upset earlier made me realize just how much I care about you. The idea of someone telling me they love me scares me sometimes. Because I just have trouble believing that not everyone is gonna say it then try to take it back later. That someone will replace it later with much harsher words..."

You looked down at your fingers and Taylor put her fingers under your chin to tilt it up. "Y/n you know I'm not someone who just throws that around. If I say it I always mean it." You nodded and sniffled as a tear fell from your eye. "I'm sorry that person made you feel so bad about yourself. I'm so sorry that they made you so scared of loving someone again. But I promise you, right now, that if you wanna do this then I'll never hurt you. I'm never gonna tell you that I love you only to take it back later and make you feel bad about yourself."

You smiled as she brushed her thumb under your eye. "You are beautiful and you deserve to feel beautiful. I promise I'll always remind you of that, to tell you that you're worthy and loved. More than that, I'll show you. Because that's more important than just saying it, right?"

She smiled and you nodded your head. "yeah." She caressed your cheek lovingly. "Can we start now?" Taylor chuckled but leaned forward to kiss you delicately, for the very first time. But you held out. Still feeling a little nervous and apprehensive.

Taylor stared into your eyes, her lips so close to yours that her breath fanned across your lips. "Hey, it's alright, darling." She kissed your cheek. "I love you" she whispered in your ear, pressing her lips against your cheek and lightly dragging them across the bridge of your nose and to your other cheek.

You smiled at her, for the very first time you felt it. You believed her because Taylor is never one to carelessly throw those words around, without having any meaning behind them.

"You don't have to say it back. Not until you're ready." You took a deep breath and felt her hand brush up and down your back. "Taylor?" She hummed and gazed at you adoringly. "I love you too." You felt like your heart had grown three sizes for the woman in front of you, who truly must be the most beautiful person you've ever known, and now are lucky enough to get to love.

You pressed your lips to hers and felt your heart flutter when she kissed you back. She makes you feel beautiful and loved, something you haven't really felt in so long. You pulled away and slowly laid your head on her shoulder. "I've got you. I'll always be here for you." She promised as she put her arms around you. You knew she meant it too. In her arms, you'd always be safe and loved.

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