you get in an accident while she's on tour

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Taylor was on cloud nine as she walked off stage. High-fives and loud cheers were what she was greeted to when she made it backstage. Walking down the long hallway, she couldn't help but feel that rush of excitement she always feels when she comes off stage and knows she gets to call you.

She closed her dressing room door behind her and she rushed to her phone. But there was something unusual awaiting her this time around.

She had three missed calls from you in the last ten minutes. That was strange; mostly because you know she's on stage and she'll call you when the show is over. The excitement she felt just moments ago dwindled slightly. She had a terrible feeling. She knew you wouldn't call her at that time unless it was an emergency.

"Y/N!" She let out a breath of relief when you picked up the phone. "Baby, what's going on? You've got me all worried." She chuckled nervously. The relief she felt was gone again when she realized that it wasn't you on the phone. It was your dad.

"Taylor?" He sniffled.

"Yeah." She swallowed thickly. There was a lump in her throat now. Your dad was crying. Something was wrong. "Is Y/N alright?"

"No." He said after a moment of silence passed by. "She was in an accident. It was pretty bad, from the way they described it to me." He sniffled.

Taylor was happy there was a chair right beside her because her legs were giving out from under her upon hearing that. She felt like she couldn't breathe. It felt as though all the air in the room had vanished and her heart was beating so hard and so fast against her ribcage.

She shook her head clear of all her racing thoughts and the worst-case scenarios rushing through her busy brain. She didn't hesiate one bit to say, "I'm on my way!" She was shrugging out of her stage clothes and into her sweats. She held the phone against her ear, tears falling from her eyes and down her cheeks as she tried to hold back her sobs so your dad wouldn't hear.

"If you hear anything, please let me know immediately. I'm gonna book a flight right now. I'm about an hour away but if you see her, please let me know. Let me know how she is and let her know that I'm on my way and that I love her so much." She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut as the tears continued to stream down her face.

"I will. I'll see you soon, Taylor."

She ended the call and let her phone fall to the arm of the couch. She took a moment; a moment to try to breathe and to try to convince herself that it was all gonna be okay.

It had to be okay.

You had to be okay.

Because she couldn't ever make it without you. You're the only one who understands her and the only one she's ever wanted to spend forever with. Losing you was too much to bear.

All she could think about as she rushed out of the stadium and onto the plane was you. Did she tell you that she loved you the last time you spoke? She did. Of course she did. She never goes a day without telling you. She tells you that she loves you every chance she gets.

And the thought that followed every racing thought swirling through her anxious brain was that it wouldn't be the last time any of those things happened. It just couldn't be.

She felt like she couldn't possibly get there fast enough. In the cab, on the way to the hospital, every stoplight they hit she would just lick her dry lips and make eye contact in the rearview mirror with the driver as she begged and pleaded for him to drive faster. "It's an emergency! Please," She'd cry out, desperate to get to you as she obsessively checked her phone.

She needed yet dreaded any messages or calls from your dad. She needed answers. She needed to know that you were okay. But she dreaded it at the same time; fearing that anything she got from him would be bad news.

"No news is good news, Taylor." She told herself as she tugged at her hair and took deep breaths to try to slow her racing heart.

She gave the driver some money and then rushed through the hospital doors. She ran to the desk, scaring the poor nurse that was there. "Sorry." She whispered breathlessly. "M-My girlfriend! She was admitted here. She was in an accident! Her dad called me, told me it wasn't looking good, I-"

She was cut off by the nurse who just nodded slowly. "Slow down. It's okay, I understand that you're scared. But your girlfriend is out of surgery. I can take you to her room if you'd like."

She nodded frantically and followed the nurse down the hallway. It felt like everything was moving in slow motion with every step she took. The hallways was long - too long. Her legs were shaking underneath her and she worried they might just give out on her sooner or later. She felt like she was gonna vomit everywhere!

Her thoughts were interrupted by the nurse stopping in front of a door. She opened it slowly, peeking inside and offering a smile to someone. "Go on in." The nurse smiled.

Taylor swallowed the lump in her throat and walked inside. Your dad was in the room, by your bedside. "Hey, Taylor." He smiled at her. She could see there were still tears in his eyes as she got closer, but he was smiling and he looked relieved.

And when she got closer, that's when Taylor saw you. You were awake!

You had some cuts across your forehead and your hands and arms that had required some switches and been bandaged up. Your leg was in a cast and you looked so tired. But you were alive. She could hear the beat of your heart on the monitor and she could see that smile on your face that she adored.

"Tay," you tried to say, but your voice was hoarse and scratchy. Taylor didn't care though. She loved it.

"Baby girl!" She walked to the other side of your bed and wrapped her arms around you.

"You're okay." She caressed your cheek lovingly. "Why didn't you call me?" She asked your dad who juyst nodded to you.

"She just made it out of surgery maybe thirty minutes ago. They just wheeled her up here eight minutes ago, at the very most. When I told you that you were on your way all she could do was smile and it was nice to see after worrying about her for so long. She wanted you to see for yourself that she was okay."

Taylor shook her head with a smile. She kissed you softly then let her head fall to your shoulder. "I'm so happy you're okay! I was so worried about you. I thought that I might lose you."

You weakly shook your head. You took her hand into your left one. She noticed the IV in your hand and she was careful not to brush against it, even when she brushed her thumb across your knuckles.

"You'll never lose me." You smiled. "I don't give up easy, you know that."

She nodded with a giggle.

"Besides, I've got too much to stay around for. I love you. You're not gonna lose me, Tay."

She kissed you again and let her forehead fall agaoinst yours afterward. "Good. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much, Y/N."

She buried her nose in your hair, kissing your head a few times as she thanked her lucky stars that you were gonna be alright.

Taylor Swift Imagines Book Three (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now