Chapter 45

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Matt's POV: Once Gabby left to go make breakfast, I smiled at Matteo. "Hey bud, how about you sit up for daddy? I have something we can do." Matteo then nodded as he went to sit up. Rolling over to reach into my side table, I went to grab a book for him. "You remember this book? I found it recently while I was unpacking." Matteo nodded and looked at me when I got an alert on my phone. Going to check it, I remembered that I had to go to the Academy this morning at 10 to meet with the commissioner. "Oh god, I forgot and it's already 8:50!" I then looked at Matteo. "Matteo, daddy forgot he has to work today." Matteo then looked at me and then got up mad, running away to his room. "Matteo!" I then got up when I heard him slam his door.

That's when Gabby came rushing up. "He okay?" I sighed as I went to sit up on the edge of the bed. "I am a horrible father." I then put my head in my hands and sighed. Gabby then walked over to me. "Hey, what are you talking about Matt? What's wrong?" I sighed and looked up at her. "I have to go meet the Commissioner at the Academy at 10. So that means I need to leave here in 20 minutes." Gabby then stared at me. "What can I do to convince you to cancel?" I then looked up at him. "Hermann is going to be there and so is Kelly. So, unless I can convince them I have a good reason to cancel...then I can't cancel with the commissioner. We have scouting."

Gabby then sighed and looked at me. "God, and we promised him last night you would be here." I sighed and nodded. "Listen, let me call the commissioner. I will try and see if I can push it a couple days. Then I have to talk to Kelly." Gabby then looked at me. "I'll go talk to Matteo." I nodded and then went to hug her. Kissing her head, I sighed. "Gabby, I am so sorry. I promise, I am going to explain that Matteo is still having a hard time with this." Gabby nodded and agreed. "You know I hate you using our kids in trying to get out of stuff but, this is one time I'll let you. If you can get out of it, we are taking him out to Dairy Queen or something okay?"

I nodded and agreed. "Can you go talk to him? I have to call the commissioner." Gabby nodded and agreed. Walking over to my phone I then went to grab it and went to check for the commissioner's number. I just hoped he would understand. "Commissioner Grissom Speaking." I then took a deep breath. "Hi Commissioner, this is Chief Casey of Firehouse 51." He then laughed. "Ah yes, my newest chief. You forget how to get to the academy son?" I sighed. "About that. Commissioner, I am sorry it possible we postpone this a few days. I am still getting my bearings as a chief. And I am also balancing being a dad. My son just had a meltdown."

Grissom sighed when I said that. "How old is the little guy?" I sighed. "18 months. But we also have a 4 month old and 3 week old." Grissom agreed. "Wow, that's a lot." I then sighed. "Commissioner, if you want...I can come or I can send my Captain and Lieutenant instead. I was hoping that they could do the scouting instead of me. They after all will be the ones who are overseeing them. Being a former Captain and Lieutenant, I know that Boden never really had much to do with the candidates. It was mostly left to the Captains and Lieutenants to do it." Grissom agreed with what I said. "Standard practice."

I sighed and agreed. "Listen, how about we do this. I can send my Lieutenant and Captain today. They can look at the candidates and they can pick their favorites. I will follow their leads and we can maybe meet on Friday instead? Maybe you can come by the firehouse? I get this is a lot to ask but...I am still adjusting to this and grieving the man I basically saw as my father for a long time." Grissom understood. 

"I think we are going a bit too fast. However, I did notice somebody requested Hermann's kid at their house. I didn't know whether it was because you didn't want him?" I then shook my head. "No, I got him already. I already spoke to the placement team and got him. Please Commissioner. I know this is a lot but, I already promised his captain's wife that he's our candidate. In fact, I was going to bring him in early to start getting used to the place and start with the traditional candidate chores if you know what I mean."

He laughed when I said that. "Okay. Listen Chief, would you like me to call Severide for you? I need to send my congrats anyways on that new baby boy of his." I agreed. "And of course yours as well. What are you at now 3 kids you said?" I smiled and agreed. "Yeah, my last one was a boy. His name is Wallace "Wally" Bode Casey." Grissom liked the sound of that. "After Boden. That is great. But listen, I promise that I will get to the academy someday soon. It's just...we literally are going so fast. We just moved here from Puerto Rico last week as well. The only reason we are back is because it was in his will."

Grissom laughed. "Matt, you don't have to explain this all to me. We spoke about it in your interview. Now listen, I will speak to the other guys who are coming. And I will see you Friday morning at 9?" I then agreed. "Of course. Thank you so much for understanding. I want to be here as much as possible for my son. I didn't grow up with a dad. He died when I was young. So, I don't want that for my son. It's why I am going to just do day shifts." Grissom agreed. "Of course. Now, tell your wife that I hope she comes back to fire instead of ambulance."

I laughed. "Nice try Grissom. 3 kids remember?" He agreed. "Congratulations again on the promotion. We'll find another time to do this okay? Maybe next month. Give you time to get your bearings. Plus, you aren't due for a candidate for a while." I laughed. "I already have my candidate remember? Can you please make sure that he doesn't get taken? I know it's a lot to ask but..." Grissom agreed. "Consider it your promotion gift. Saves me some money form having to buy you a bottle of Vodka." I laughed when he said that. "I know, they are expensive. We own Molly's bar remember?"

Grissom agreed. "Of course. Now listen, I am going to call another Chief to try and fill your spot. Then, you can take his spot. I will let you know when that is okay?" I understood. "Next month possibly?" Grissom agreed again. "Of course. Good luck Chief Casey." I then smiled and hung up. Getting up, I then went to walk downstairs, ready to give Matteo some good news. "Matteo! Daddy has some good news to tell you!"

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