Chapter 55

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby finished eating, I smiled when we got ready to take the kids on a walk. Even though we offered to keep Matteo at home, we decided to take him to the park instead. So, it was just going to be the five of us. Meanwhile, Camila was going to stay here and do some laundry for us. Walking over to her after I zipped up my jacket, I smiled at her. "You don't have to do any of my chief clothes okay Camila? I only wore one shirt, the rest are clean." Camila nodded and agreed. "Well, I am at least going to iron them. You need to learn. That one you were wearing at your ceremony was full of wrinkles and it bothered me the entire time." I laughed and agreed while going to hug her. "What would I do without you sometimes?"

That's when I heard Gabby come downstairs in something warm. Zipping up her coat, she walked over to me. "Where are the babies?" I smiled when she asked. "They are in their seats in the entrance. We just need to put them in the stroller and then we can get going. We'll probably be 30-45 minutes if that's okay Camila? Now, I already have Matteo in the entrance in his boots and jacket." That's when I saw Matteo come out. "Daddy, I can't find my gloves." I then sighed and looked at him. "You got the babies, I got him?" Gabby nodded and agreed with me as I walked away to go find Matteo's gloves so that we could head to the park as a family. Meanwhile, Camila walked over to Gabby and smiled at her. "How are you doing after that even Gabby?"

Gabby sighed as she turned to look at her mom before going to hug her. "I am going to do better. Just a bit shaken up. Getting out of here is going to help. Give us some time outside and just take some air. That will be really helpful. Now listen, I have some clothes to be washed. Just a few underwear and some t-shirts that have milk stains on them. Can you clean those if you do laundry?" Camila nodded and agreed. "Gabby, I am here for whatever you need. I am going to do some laundry for you guys. I promise." Gabby smiled and agreed when she said that before going to hug her mom. "Thanks mom. Now, we'll be back later. Can you lock up behind us?" Camila nodded and agreed as I went to grab both babies in their car seats to make our way outside. Setting them down in the stroller, I smiled as we got ready to leave.

Once they were in their stroller, I then looked at Matteo. "Matteo, you can walk ahead but not too far. Make sure that you can always see us okay?" Matteo nodded and agreed as he went to start walking ahead of us. Meanwhile, I went to grab Gabby's hand and intertwined our fingers as I went to push the stroller. "You want to push them or are you okay with me pushing the stroller?" Gabby then looked at me and smiled. "No, you push them. You don't do it enough." I smiled and agreed as we looked at both of the kids together. "We did good. They are so adorable." Gabby laughed and agreed as she rubbed my arm. "Well, our genes did. I only gave birth to Wally remember?" I nodded and smiled at her. "Best 9 months of my life." Gabby smiled and agreed.

I then smiled at her. "And this year is going to be so fun for you. Did I by any chance tell you who your Ambo partner is going to be this year when you come back from leave?" Gabby then looked up at me. "No, did you find that out yet?" I smiled and nodded. "Stella is going to be on Ambo when she comes back for a while. I want to make sure she is ready. She wants to come back sooner than the standard time for women post-birth. So, she has to do ambo time. I know I hate saying that but..." Gabby then looked at me and just went to kiss my arm. "Matt, you are the chief. You have to do what you think is best for the firehouse. You don't need to justify your decisions to me. I promise that I will always support them and not just because I'm your wife."

I smiled when she said that when I saw Matteo jump in a big pile of snow. "I am so glad I put him in his snow suit and big boots. That was bound to happen." Gabby laughed when I said that before nodding as we arrived at Matteo. "C'mon Matteo, let's keep walking okay?" Matteo nodded and agreed as he ran ahead on our way to the park. That's when he arrived at the corner and waited for us. At least he did until we saw him run away around the corner. "Doggy!" I then turned to look at Gabby. "Gabby, I'll go get him. Take over." Gabby nodded as she let go of my hand. I then went to run away around the corner to go get Matteo. That's when I saw it was Jay and Erin as well as lucky.

Jay then went to pick Matteo up before looking at him. "Where are your mom and dad buddy? Or are you out with your abuela? You are going to be in trouble if you get lost." I laughed when he said that and walked over. "He is already in trouble considering he knows he is not supposed to run away. We just said you have to stay in our view Matteo." Jay then set him down and Matteo walked over to me. Bending down, I looked at him. "Hey, look at me. You are lucky that it's some of mommy and daddy's friends. If it was a stranger, you could be in trouble. What are strangers again?" Matt then looked at me. "Danger." I nodded and agreed before looking at him. "Where are you guys off to?"

Jay then smiled. "We are going to the park. Where are you guys off to?" That's when I saw Gabby walk up to us. "Did you already talk to Matteo?" I nodded and looked at her. "Yeah, and Jay and Erin are going to the park just like us." Erin smiled when I said that. "What do you say we all hang out? I haven't seen Gabby since Puerto Rico and wouldn't mind having some girl time. Haven't had much of it since Kim started staying home and I am trying to stay out of the whole Will-Natalie drama." I nodded and agreed with her. "Mind if we talk about that Jay? I want to tell you something about it. We can talk while we watch the kids at the park and the girls gossip."

Jay laughed and agreed. "Sure thing. Now, let's get to the park so the kids can play." We all agreed and nodded as we all made our way to the local park together to play with the kids and catch up.

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