Chapter 151

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Matt's POV:
After making my way into Lee Henry's room, I looked at him and shook my head. "Can't go a single day without causing trouble around the house eh kid?" Lee Henry then looked at me. "Chief." I then walked up to him and then went to sit down next to him. "Listen, before we are you feeling?" Lee Henry then sighed. "I'm stiff. Should be a week before I'm back." I then sighed and looked at both Cindy and Hermann. "Guys, I am going to punish him and you are going to have to go along with me. I need to show him I mean business."

They both nodded. "It's not personal. I am his chief and I am your chief Hermann. I got him at our house as a favour. So, I need to do this for the safety of my men." We all agreed as I turned to look at him. "Lee Henry, I want to remind you that I love you like an uncle okay? I have known you your entire life and I am so glad you are at our house. However, I need to lay down the law. I already spoke with your parents and they know what I am going to say. We are in agreement that first and foremost...your safety is our main concern. And that is my job as Chief."

He nodded and agreed. "Lee Henry, at the need to start treating us like that. When you are at the firehouse, I am not Matt...I am chief Casey. And your dad isn't dad...he is Captain. When we give you orders, it is not a suggestion. It is not a maybe you should do it this way. You are to listen to us and do it as you are told. We told you this before." Lee Henry nodded and agreed. "I did your parents a personal favor in getting you at 51. I wanted you to be with your dad to try and calm stuff down. However, if you can't will change houses."

Lee Henry then got scared. "Dad! How can you do this?" I then looked at him. "Hey! Listen to me." Lee Henry turned to look at me. "This decision was made as a consensus. Lee Henry, we have been very, very lenient with you. We have allowed you to start your candidacy early and given you extra months to prove yourself. We are giving you chances to practice what you learn at the academy at real fire sites. But you are not a candidate yet. You are a Junior Candidate. And I need to stand my ground."

I then took a breath and went to continue. "If I deem you to be a liability to my men's safety or your father's will be let go from Firehouse 51 and you will have a new house. That means you have to restart and gain people's trust. Here, we already know you and trust you. So here are the rules. You are not to go past the water cannons and are only to help with the water when I tell you that you can. If it's a major fire...then you are to stay in my truck. You are not to be left unattended at the firehouse and you are not to complain to your father."

Lee Henry then tried to speak but I continued. "And you will not under any circumstances bother your parents with saying this isn't fair. Lee Henry, you have 1 strike on your record. You are not to come to the firehouse for 1 week, you will be at the academy instead. Your second strike will be a 2 week suspension. Your third strike will be your last and you will not be guaranteed a spot at firehouse 51. You will return to the academy, complete your training there and you will have to hope for a position at firehouse 51." Lee Henry then looked at me and just let me continue.

"Lee Henry. Remember this, we are giving you a great advantage over every single one of your classmates. You get to come to real fires and you get to work in a real firehouse. If you were at the academy right now, that wouldn't happen. Gabby never got to do this and, at the time, she was my girlfriend/fiancé. I advocated for this program because I thought it was better to get my candidate used to what it was like with my firefighters before they start full-time. But now I realize it's also a trust building exercise. Think about that Lee Henry, I am having trust issues with you right now."

Lee Henry then got scared when I said that. "And if at the end of your time at the academy, I don't have trust in you...then you are not going to be my candidate. My firefighters have been my family for over 10 years. Your father has been a mentor to me. And speaking of your father..." I then turned to look at him. "I have conditions for you too that deals with his candidacy." Hermann then got scared as I got up. "If at any point you have any doubts in your decision making, you are to tell me. If Lee Henry stops you from being a good captain, he is not at 51."

Hermann then nodded and agreed. "Understood chief." I then turned to look at Lee Henry. "When you are back at the firehouse, you are on desk duty until I say so. You are not to be left unattended and you are to report directly to me until you are done your time at the academy. Lee Henry, one step out of line....and you are done at Firehouse 51. And I will send a letter saying that I have changed my mind and that I am not comfortable with having both my captain and his son being at the same firehouse. I have that power as Chief and I am not going to look over this." I then turned to look at Cindy and Hermann. "Are you guys okay with this?"

Hermann nodded and agreed with me. "What you said is fair and all good points." We both nodded. "Cindy, what about you?" Cindy nodded and smiled. "Hey, it's your house." I smiled and agreed. "That it is. Now, Hermann. When you are comfortable, wait for Ambo 61 to come drop off somebody here at the hospital and you can come get your things." He agreed and nodded. I then turned to look at Cindy and went to hug her. "I am sorry if you are worried. I promise, I am going to be much more strict with him." She agreed and smiled. "Exactly what he needs."

I smiled and nodded while looking at him. "Keep your grades up. Now, I am not going to say anything to the academy...that is your father's job and you will tell him the new conditions I set up. Now listen, I have to head back to work with the crew. You rest up, and I will see you soon. Hermann, you take this shift off and come in tomorrow okay?" Hermann agreed and nodded. "I can come back in." I then shook my head. "Hermann, your head is not going to be on work. You are off." He agreed and nodded. "Thanks Chief." I smiled and agreed as I walked out.

Hermann's POV:
Once Matt left to go back to the firehouse, I turned to look at Lee Henry and shook my head. "You got off easy Lee Henry. I thought he was going to kick you out of 51." Lee Henry then sighed and nodded. "Same here dad, same here." I then went to sit next to him. "You are to follow those orders he gave you okay? And you are not to screw up. I am not going to cover for you. That is not my job. You may be my son but...I am a captain at 51." Lee Henry then agreed. "Also, I want to tell you something okay bud about why he is being so strict?" Lee Henry then listened as Cindy moved to sit on the bed too.

"Lee Henry, Matt is the newest CFD chief. He doesn't get to pick his candidate. And let me tell you this, I see the rankings and you are not at the top of the list. But you are in the top 50. So, the chances we get you are not very good. But, he spoke to the academy and got you ahead of time. Lee Henry, he is doing a lot for you. He is letting you study in the real firehouse and giving you a placement months ahead of time." I then took a breath. "And he didn't do that for Gabby. So, you need to listen to him and follow his orders. I am not going to stop him from kicking you out at 51 because I am not your supervisor and have agreed to stay out of decisions."

Cindy then turned to look at me. "Because you are biased." I nodded and agreed. "It's also because he has to earn his spot. You already have an advantage because they know you on a personal basis and they know your personality won't affect the work environment. Lee Henry, you need to work hard and prove you belong there. At the end of the day, it's Matt's decision as to whether you stay or not. And I am not going to stop him. So, smarten up and get your shit in order Lee Henry. You are going onto Squad when you are a candidate and I am not always going to be on calls. So, you better make sure you listen to him."

Lee Henry nodded and agreed. Turning to look at Cindy, I then grabbed her hand. "I promise though to look out for him and speak to him at night. Remember, I can't be personal with him at work. I am to be his Captain, not his dad at work." Cindy agreed. "And I understand that. Now, you get some rest. Can you stay here? I am going to check on the other kids." I nodded and agreed, letting her walk away so that she could check on the kids.

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