Chapter 160

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Matt's POV: After putting my boxers back on, I watched as Gabby put her underwear on and got in bed with me. Gabby then crawled over to me and laid down against my chest while putting her hand on my chest. "I feel bad for Matteo. Him having bad dreams is not good." I nodded and agreed with her before going to kiss her forehead. "You think we should just keep bringing him to the firehouse with us or do you think we should stay here with him more?" Gabby then bit her lip and thought about it. "I don't want him to get used to it. Matt, I want to go back after my surgery when I am healed. I want to be a paramedic again and I want to work at the firehouse."

I then looked at her and sighed. "I thought we agreed July? You know, when Wally is 6 months old. Gabby, that is what I am comfortable with. I am not really comfortable with you going back before then. Gabby please, just take the time. Anyways, I want you to ease into it. You are still recovering babe. Please, just relax and come back when you are ready." Gabby just looked at me before laying down on my chest without her bra. Wrapping my arm around her, I then went to kiss her forehead. "I want the firehouse to feel like a second home to Matteo okay? I want him to feel safe there. It gives him consistency. Admit it babe, we might move again someday."

Gabby nodded and agreed. "By the way, do we need to take the van tomorrow or can we still take the Tesla?" I then turned my head and thought about it. "We have to take the van. So, I need to switch the seats back in the morning." Gabby then looked at me. "Let's just get rid of the van. I never go anywhere without you. Either that or let's get car seats in both cars that are compatible with each other." I nodded and agreed with her before scratching her back. "We are doing that then. So, Tesla it is. But listen, we need to figure this out with Matteo. Should we just bring him in all the time?" I then thought about it. "For now. I think he's just scared."

Gabby then looked at me. "What do you mean?" I then sighed and looked at her. "Gabby, he barely knows Chicago. That's probably why he's so scared. The only home he ever remembers is Puerto Rico. He's probably scared to be with my mom because he barely remembers her." Gabby then understood and nodded. "God, why didn't I think of that." I then went to kiss her forehead and sighed. "Gabby, just relax okay? You are getting stressed out and we both know that's not good for you." Gabby then went to get up and walked over to the windows. I could tell something was bothering her and got up too. "Gabby, talk to me."

Gabby then turned to look at me when I was standing behind her. Putting her hands on my chest, she sighed. "Matt, we need to figure stuff out as a family. We need to know what Matteo wants while we are here. We need to think about the kids and try and work around them. And I don't know if me going back is the best thing. Heck, I don't know what the best thing is for us right now." I nodded and understood while moving my arms around her. I then went to kiss her forehead softly and whispered to her. "Gabby, you are a great mom and you are doing all you can. Please babe, just relax and go with your gut. Talk to me too."

Gabby nodded and agreed as she leaned up to kiss me softly. She then hugged me and I went to pick her up. Carrying her back to bed in my arms, I went to sit down in my spot and then laid down with her against me. Tugging her against my chest, I then tugged the covers up while wrapping my arms around her back. I then continued to kiss her, making her feel better until we fell asleep in each other's arms that night. That ended up behind exactly what she needed and I was glad because we slept through the night (other than when the babies needed us).

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