Chapter 111

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Antonio's POV:
After making my way downstairs with some clothes for Sylvie and a night bag, I ran into the living room to see Gabby checking on her. "You are still good Sylvie, just relax and breathe. Gianna is on her way and I am going to join you in the ambulance." I then looked at her. "Over my dead body. I am joining her in the ambulance." Gabby then turned to look at me. "Do you know how to perform an emergency birth in the field when she is already in labor?" I then shook my head. "Still, I can come in with you." Gabby sighed and nodded. "Fine, go ahead. Matt, you are taking the kids home okay?" Matt then looked at her. "No!"

Gabby then shook her head. "Matt, the kids need naps. Take Eva with you after she cancels shift. When the baby is born, Eva can come pick me up in our van and I can drive it home." Matt then walked up to her and bent down. "I mean, you are not going with her!" Gabby then turned to look at him and got mad. "Can you do this?" Matt shook his head. "No, I can't and neither can you. You are not doing it even over my dead body because you are not risking your own health just to help Sylvie give birth!"

Gabby then went to protest when I continued. "Gabby! You just gave birth 3 weeks ago. You should be resting. Think about your stitches. You really think Antonio needs to worry about both his wife and his sister right now?" I then looked at Gabby. "Matt's right sis. You are not doing this." Gabby then looked at Matt and nodded. "You're right. But, I am at least doing it until the paramedics are here. Can I have a towel Antonio?" I nodded and went to give her a towel so she could check. "Antonio, go get her a bathrobe okay? She needs to take off these pants."

I then looked at Matt. "Matt, master bedroom. Behind the door." Matt nodded and agreed as he went to run upstairs to go get a robe for Sylvie. Meanwhile, I turned to look at my sister. "Gabby, you are doing the right thing not helping okay? And Matt was completely right in saying that you aren't coming with us. It's not healthy for you to go. Nor is it helpful when I am going to be worried for you." Gabby nodded and understood when Matt came back down with the bathrobe. "Here, the bathrobe. I also grabbed Sylvie's pillow and a blanket from the end of your bed. For when you are in the hospital bed. I know Gabby liked it."

Sylvie nodded and smiled as she tried to breathe. "Matt, there's a water jug in the corner cabinet. Center shelf, on the left. Can you fill that up for me. I want to bring it to the hospital with me!" Matt nodded and agreed. "Antonio, want a water jug too?" I nodded in agreement. "Yeah!" Matt then left to go fill them up when I saw the ambulance pull up. "Sylvie, you got this okay? I just saw Ambo 61 fill up. I am going to open the door." Sylvie then shook her head. "Diego go open the door!" Matt then went to do it instead. "I got it."

Opening the door for Gianna, he looked at her. "In the living room here. Water already broken, she can see the head. Just get her in and rush there. Antonio, we can stay here for a while okay?" Antonio then nodded and agreed. "Can you watch Theo until I call you? My keys are on the hook." That's when Gianna went to get the stretcher in. "C'mon Sylvie, get up and let's get your to Med." Sylvie nodded and agreed as she went to get on the stretcher. Gianna then went to buckle her up so that she could get ready to leave. "C'mon Antonio, let's go."

Matt's POV:
Wheeling Sylvie out, Gianna and Noah then went to bring her to the hospital. "Antonio, just concentrate on her. Let us know what happens. We can stay here as long as you need us to. We can even stay the night if you want us too." Antonio nodded and agreed as he turned to look at us. He then went to hug me. "Wish us luck!" He then went to get in the ambulance with Sylvie so that they could go give birth to their child. I then let out a deep breath and looked at Gabby. "Listen, I mean it. We can stay here. There's a guest bedroom downstairs next to Diego right?"

Closing the door and locking up, Eva answered. "Yeah, that sounds great. But, what do we do about work?" Gabby then sighed and thought about it. "You guys should go in." I then decided to text Antonio. 'Hey, should your kids go into work still?' Antonio then texted back pretty quickly. 'Yes, that way I am not worrying about them!' I agreed. "Your dad says he wants you to go to work so he doesn't worry about you. So, respect his wishes and get going. Gabby, you okay with the 3 kids while I head to get our stuff at home? 30-45 minutes tops?" Gabby bit her lip when I asked. "Can you guys wait until Matt is back to go to work together?"

Eva nodded and agreed. "Of course, only if you can talk to the boss at the bar." I agreed. "Gabby, I will call him on the way. Just text me whatever you need. We already have cribs. I will get more PJs, diapers and bottles." Gabby smiled and nodded. "Sure thing, be safe and see you soon." I nodded and agreed before walking over to her. Bending down to kiss her softly, I smiled at her. "I will be back soon and Sylvie will be fine." Gabby smiled and nodded as I let her go before heading home so that I could get what we needed to stay the night.

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