Chapter 74

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30 Minutes Later at the Firehouse:
Matt's POV: As I finished unpacking my office, I sighed as I walked by Connie's desk. Putting my hand on it...I just looked at the chair. "Hopefully, you're with Boden." I had only been here for 10 minutes and had to break the news. I then took a deep breath when I heard Hermann, Severide and Mouch come in. "Hey Matt, you said this was an urgent meeting. What's wrong?" I sighed as I turned to look at them. "Severide, I will tell you in a minute. I want to tell Hermann and Mouch first. It's sensitive." Severide nodded and agreed. "Gabby coming in? Stella's here." I nodded. "Yeah Severide, this is important. Please, just come in." Severide nodded and walked away.

I then sighed as I looked at Mouch and Hermann. "Guys, you are going to want to sit down for this." They both looked at each other and Hermann spoke for them. "Matt, you're acting like somebody died." I then sighed as I went to lean against the front of my desk. Hermann and Mouch then went to sit down, scared. "Not Donna." I shook my head. "Oh no, she's fine. It's actually someone else from within the firehouse." Hermann got nervous. "Uhm, I want to prepare you but...Gabby is coming back sooner than we originally planned." Mouch smiled. "That's great. Why though?" I sighed and looked at them. "It's Connie."

Hermann then looked at me. "What happened?" I sighed and looked at her. "She got into a car accident on her way in this morning. T-Boned on her door. She was pronounced upon arrival at the hospital, coded in the ambulance." Hermann was shocked when I said that. "Not Connie." I nodded and sighed. "Guys, if you need time...I understand. She was with us for so long. And you are still grieving Boden. If you want to take the shift, I will call for relievers?" Hermann shook his head. "It's okay. Lee Henry is here anyways." I nodded and understood. "Listen, I don't want to replace her right away's why Gabby is coming back. Is that okay?"

Mouch nodded and understood. "It'll be great to get Gabby back at the house. She coming back temporarily or..." I looked at him. "Mouch, I learned about this 30 minutes ago and rushed here. I just asked her to come in and help. I asked her to be my secretary and she will be. Her and the kids will be here during my day shift. I wanted to tell you guys first because you have been here the longest." We all agreed and nodded when I went to look at Severide. "Severide, you can come in now." He nodded and agreed as he walked in. "Chief."

I sighed and looked at him. "I need you at the top of your game today. Mouch and Hermann are going to be a bit distracted today. We just lost another member of the 51 family." Severide then got scared. "Who?" I sighed and looked at him when I saw Gabby come in with the kids. I then looked at Severide. "Connie. She was in a car accident this morning." Severide was shocked. "Wow, that's...crazy." I nodded and agreed. "But listen, Gabby is going to be here with the kids. Stephen and Matteo can play or something." Severide nodded and agreed. "We telling the house?" I sighed and looked at them all. "Yes can you tell your vehicles. I can't get down."

Hermann agreed as he got up. He then went to hug Mouch and sighed. "She's with Boden." They both nodded and agreed as I watched them walk out to tell everybody. "Meeting in 30. We will talk about it for a bit. Tell everybody first.  Hermann, I want Lee Henry in here in 15 minutes." Hermann then turned to look at me and nodded as he walked away. Gabby then sighed as she put her hand on his shoulder. She then came to walk in with the kids and smiled. "How did they take it?" I sighed. "As good as they could." I then went to hug her. "You came fast." Gabby smiled and nodded. "I knew you wanted me here. So, I fed the kids and came. I'll eat here."

I nodded and agreed. "You bring the cribs in and stuff?" Gabby then shook her head. "I have to go get it. Can you watch the kids while I do that?" I nodded and agreed. "Of course." I then went to hug her and sighed. She then walked awya to go back to the car. Meanwhile, I went to look at the kids in the stroller and smiled. "C'mon Matteo, let's get to work." He nodded as I walked over to him and went to pick him up. I then went to push the stroller towards my desk before going to look at the babies. "I'll give you the tour in a bit okay buddy?" Matteo nodded and smiled as he sat in my lap. Kissing his head, I sighed as I felt a bit sad for Hermann and Mouch.

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