Chapter 104

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Meanwhile, at the Dawson Household:
Antonio's POV:
As I made my way downstairs to the floor where the kids' bedrooms are, I looked into Diego's room and sighed. He had the day off and knew that his aunt and uncle were on their way. Going to pound on the door, I looked at him. Diego then groaned. "Go away dad. It's my day off. No work, no school. So stop being an ass." I then stared at him. "Your aunt, uncle and cousins are coming over for the day. So, it's either you wake up or I stick Matteo on you when he gets here." Diego nodded and just rolled over. "I don't care. I am going back to sleep." I sighed when he said that and just shook my head. "Then you've been warned. Matteo will be here soon." I then went to leave his door open. "Dad, my door!"

I then laughed. "Matteo needs to be able to find you." I then went to walk over to Eva's room and smiled when I saw that she was up and getting ready. "You look gorgeous sweetie." Eva then looked at me. "Just to let you know, I am only here until after lunch. I have to go study for a test Monday with my friends at the campus café at 1." I smiled when she said that. "I will never stop you from going to school and studying." Eva smiled when I said that.

"By the way, I am going to have to do a case study soon. Think you can maybe find cases you worked on in the system? I would love to do some of those." I agreed and nodded. "You mean from when I was at the DA's office?" Eva agreed. "Yeah, I'm doing it from the point of view of the defendant. Preferably cases involving minorities and/or immigrants."

I was shocked that she was so specific. "Why so specific? And immigration?" Eva smiled. "I am going to be an immigration lawyer and/or public defender. I haven't made up my mind yet. In the aftermath of the Trump justice system, I want to do my part in helping reform the system so that it's equal. Whatever you can do to help right?" I smiled when she said that before going to hug her. "You know I am proud of you right? You didn't have to do this. But you doing it on your own makes me one proud dad. Just make sure you also study traffic court. There's a lot of money in there." Eva smiled and nodded.

"Just to let you know, I am not going to be afraid to go against you when you are testifying as a detective. If you are ever on the other side of my case, I am sorry but...I am not going to be seeing you for a while." I laughed and nodded. "Sure thing." That's when I heard the door. "Eva, can you go see who that is? It might be your aunt." Eva nodded and agreed as she went to run downstairs. Going to open the door, Eva saw it was someone she didn't know. "Who are you?" Eva then looked at the man and didn't recognize her. "I'm Derek. Sylvie live here?"

Overhearing Derek, Sylvie came downstairs and looked at him. "Derek?" Derek smiled at her. "Sylvie, I've been trying to call you. I wanted to tell you I moved to Chicago. Just like you asked me too." I then decided to come downstairs. "Hey Sylvie, who's this?" Sylvie then turned to look at me and smiled. "Antonio, this is Derek Sheffield. My ex-fiancé." Derek then looked at me. "Sylvie, we had one fight a couple years ago over me not being here. You said if I was here, we would try again. Why isn't that the case?" Sylvie looked at him. "I never said that."

Derek just looked at her. "I'm her husband and the father of her 2 kids." Derek then stared at me. "Oh, I am so sorry. This was wrong of me to come." That's when I saw Matt and Gabby get here with the groceries. "Derek?" Derek then turned to look at Matt and smiled. "Heard you were back at the CFD. Congrats Chief." Matt smiled as he went to hug him. "How are you my fellow former captain?" Matt then looked at Sylvie. "Sylvie, why didn't you tell me your ex was in town? You know, the one you dumped for me." Derek then sighed and nodded.

"And she dumped you for her husband." Matt laughed when he said that. "Actually, we broke up before that. It didn't work and my wife came back to me. But listen, it was nice to see you. Now, I am here to spend some time with my brother and sister-in-law." Derek then stared at him. "Wait, Antonio is..." That's when Gabby walked over to us with Matteo and Wally. "Matt, I told you to go put Ella down in the house and then get Antonio to help with the groceries. And Sylvie, what's your ex doing here?" Gabby then walked in and smiled at me. "Oh Matt, the chairs."

Matt nodded and agreed as he looked at Gabby. "Antonio, a hand?" Matt then turned to look at Derek. "It was nice seeing you again. We'll have to talk sometime." Matt then proceeded to walk away and I followed him to the car. 

Sylvie's POV:
As Antonio walked away with Matt to get the groceries, I just looked at Derek. "Derek, I am married with a kid, 2 step-kids and one on the way. It's over and we are done." Derek sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry it went down the way it did. I hope you are happy and we can be friends." I sighed and nodded. "Me too." I then decided to hug him before letting him go. He then walked away. Meanwhile, I went to join Gabby in the living room. "So, that's your ex-fiancé that you dated before you dated Matt?" 

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