Childhood Home

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Matt's POV: After making my way to my childhood home, I was shocked as I went to park in the driveway. Before getting out, I just took a minute to look at it and went to grab Gabby's hand. "If my mom ever sells, this is our new home." Gabby laughed as she turned to look at me. "Not a chance. I like our new build. Plus, it has 3 bedrooms plus a master ensuite. Matt, this is a 3 bedroom. We have 3 kids. Where do we sleep?" I then nodded and remembered. "Then we buy it as an Airbnb or something. There is no way I am loosing this place ever again. We can retire here." Gabby then looked at me. "Or we can retire in Puerto Rico while volunteering."

I then turned to look at her and nodded, remembering that I promised we could do that at some point during our move back here. Getting out, I smiled as I went to grab Ella from her car seat. "Let's just leave the car seats Gabby. I mean, unless you want to bring them in?" Gabby then shook her head. "Just the kids." I agreed and smiled while moving to hold Ella close. Kissing her head, I smiled as I whispered to her. "This is your daddy's childhood home sweetie. Your daddy grew up here." Gabby then smiled as she walked over with Wally. "Is it daddy or papa? Which one do you want them to call you? I mean, not that you really have to pick a certain one."

I then sighed and looked at her. "Daddy. I need to stop saying papa. We aren't in Puerto Rico anymore." Gabby smiled and agreed. "Then daddy it is. Now, let's go. I want some breakfast." I agreed and smiled as I grabbed her hand. Intertwining our fingers, I led her to the front door. I then smiled when I saw the number. "My dad carved that out of wood once. If you look in the numbers, you can see our initials carved in. MGC or Matthew Gregory Casey and CNC or Christine Nancy Casey." Gabby then looked at me. "I thought it was Christie?" I nodded. "That's her nickname." Gabby smiled and agreed. "That is so cute that it's still there." 

I then went to knock on the door and smiled when I saw my mom walk up to the door. "Matteo, your parents are here." I then smiled. "Mom, I am shocked this is where you moved. I mean, how did you find this place?" My mom smiled. "I knew you would want this place someday. So, I made sure to get it and keep it off the market." I smiled and went to hug her. "Mom, did you see the carving in the wood?" My mom was confused and then went to look at it. "Look, our initials are still there." My mom then went to look at it and was shocked. "Woah, that's old." I nodded and smiled. "As old as Christie. Dad did it when we brought her home."

My mom nodded and smiled when we walked in. Taking off our shoes, I then saw Matteo come downstairs. "Papa!" I then smiled as I bent down to hug him before looking at him. "Hey buddy, how about you start calling me daddy okay? We aren't in Puerto Rico anymore. Papa is spanish. Daddy is English." Matteo then thought about it and shook his head. "You're my Papa." Gabby then looked at me. "Let him be Matt." I then looked at my mom. "Here, mom. How about you take Ella for me?" My mom then agreed and went to grab her. Meanwhile, I went to take off my jacket and picked up Matteo. "Someone miss daddy last night? I know that I missed you."

Matteo then nodded as he cuddled up to me. Kissing the top of his head, I smiled. "Well, you are coming to work with daddy today okay? Then this weekend, we are going to do something fun. We can go to the park, play in the snow. Maybe I can take you skating. And maybe today, you can sit in the truck while we are at the firehouse." Matteo then looked at me and nodded. "Daddy, please!" Gabby then looked at me. "You are going to have to hold up your end of the bargain now." I agreed and smiled. "I promise. Now, I smell some of your famous eggs mom."

My mom nodded and agreed. "C'mon, take off your shoes. Matteo is already eating." I then went to set him down. "Then buddy, how about you keep eating and I will be right there. I just want to show your mom around a bit okay? That okay mom?" My mom then looked at me and smiled. "Of course. Do it before you eat. Because then you have to rush out of here." I nodded and smiled. "That's the plan. Can we leave the babies with you though?" My mom then smiled. "Sure. Just put them on the couch." I then looked at Gabby. "That okay?"

Gabby then shook her head. "Let's just carry them okay? Then we can come eat." I agreed and nodded as I went to help her with her coat. "Matteo, daddy is just going to show mom around the house okay? This used to be where I lived when I was your age. We'll have breakfast in a minute." Matteo agreed. "Sure thing daddy." I then smiled and looked at Gabby while locking the door behind me. "C'mon, let's head upstairs and I can show you my room." My mom then yelled. "That's where Matteo stayed. Can you check for his stuff?" I agreed and smiled. 

"Let's go do that and then we can eat Gabby." Grabbing her hand, I smiled as I led her upstairs so that I could show her where I slept as a kid. And also had some bad memories of abuse at the hands of my father.

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