Chapter 69

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A couple hours later when Matt comes home:
9:10 PM - Casey Kitchen
Matt's POV: As I walk into the kitchen after getting home from shift, I smiled because I saw Gabby standing there in some of my boxers and one of my dress shirts. I decided to walk up behind her and bring her into my arms because I was quite turned on by the sight of my gorgeous wife right now. Moving my arm around her and putting my hand on her stomach as she looked outside, I smirked as I went to kiss her neck softly. "Now, this is something I like coming home to." I then went to whisper in her ear. "Where are the kids right now?" I then went to kiss her shoulder.

Gabby smiled as she turned around in my arms and stepped close to me. "They are all asleep upstairs. Please don't wake them up, I struggled to get them down." I nodded and agreed. "And your mom?" Gabby smirked when I asked. "At her home. She isn't going to stay the night anymore considering you are home every night now." I smiled when she said that and nodded. "Tomorrow, I am home at 8 just to let you don't put the kids to bed before I get home." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as she went to grab my jacket. "Can we go to bed though?"

Stepping close to her, I kissed her softly before kissing her neck. "Go to bed to relax or to have fun?" Gabby then moaned when I did that. "To relax. You have shift tomorrow remember?" I nodded and agreed with her before going to kiss her softly. I then decided to pick her up in my arms and smiled while moving her legs around my waist. "Kids in our room or their rooms?" Gabby smiled when I asked that before kissing me softly as she wrapped her arms around my neck. "Their rooms so, you can either say goodnight or we can head to bed right now."

Kissing her softly as I grabbed her back, I smiled at her. "I am not saying goodnight to them while I am carrying you up to bed looking ridiculously sexy. I want to spend a bit of time with my beautiful wife alone in bed." Gabby smiled and agreed with me as I carried her up the stairs with my bag. Taking it slow with her as I continued to carry her past the kids rooms on the second floor and up to our third floor bedroom, I smirked when we finally arrived in our room. Moving to lay her down on the bed, I then went to take off my jacket while looking at her.

Getting undressed as I stared at my gorgeous wife, I couldn't wait to get in bed with her. That was even more true when I saw her start to undo one of my dress shirts she was wearing to reveal she wasn't wearing a bra under there. "Keep that on until I am in bed. I am taking it off." Once I was finally undressed, I went to put my pants at the end of the bed with my jacket before putting my shirt in the laundry. "Listen, I am just going to brush my teeth. When I am back, I will take off that shirt and join you in bed okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled at me. "Can't wait."

I then smirked when she said that before walking away to the bathroom to brush my teeth, ready to join her in bed to have a bit of fun before bed.

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