Chapter 180

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An hour later when they are back at the firehouse:
Matt's POV:
As we arrived at the firehouse, I smiled when I saw Gabby standing in the kitchen. Smelling what was cooking, I could tell it was my favorite recipe. "Oh god, is that your family's Taco meat and homemade fajita shells?" Gabby then turned to look at me and nodded. "Thought I would surprise you with a nice supper for your birthday with our friends." I then turned to look at Severide and smiled. "What did I tell you? Best wife in the world." Gabby smiled when I said that while I wrapped my arm around her.

Putting her hand on my chest, she tugged my lips against hers and then kissed me softly. "We are so headed home tonight." I nodded and agreed with her. "What time is it anyways?" Gabby then went to check the time and smiled. "5:30." I was shocked. "Wow, it's been a fast paced day." Gabby smiled and agreed. "Only 2 1/2 more hours until you are done for the night. And then, we can head home for your birthday celebrations to begin." I nodded and smiled when she said that. "Can't wait. You mine tonight?" Gabby smiled and nodded.

That's when everybody stared at us. "Oh shut up guys, a man is allowed to flirt with his wife on his last shift before his birthday. I am working on my birthday so we are celebrating over the next 2 days while we are alone. Well, starting tonight considering we are almost done. It's 5:30 and I leave at 8. So, Gabby made Taco meat and homemade fajita shells." The guys then got up and walked over. "That sounds delicious." I laughed and smiled. "You already shred the cheese and everything?" Gabby nodded. "It's in the fridge with the leftover cake."

Cordova then walked over to Gabby. "I have to say Gabby, your husband there is one hell of a chief. I am impressed and glad to be your temp." I agreed and smiled at Jake. "Thanks for the compliment Jake. I am glad you are my temp. We work good together. If you and Melanie ever choose to move, I will figure something out and maybe we can get you here for a bit." Everybody then turned to look at me. "Who's spot would you replace?" I then thought about it. "Never mind. We have no spots to fill considering we have our candidate spots and all filled."

Jake nodded and smiled. "Listen, I am going to grab some food. Then I am going to take a minute in the truck to call Melanie. Have to say goodnight to James." Gabby then looked at him. "How old is your son anyways?" Jake then smiled. "He's 5 months." Gabby smiled. "Maybe we can start hanging out more. I want friends for Ella. She's turning 4 1/2 months. So, that might work. And Matt, I don't care whether you don't want our daughter playing with boys yet. She's a baby and she is not going to be dating for a long time."

I then laughed. "Oh Ella's gonna date Stephen. I am already setting it up. My daughter is totally going to marry Severide's son." I then went to grab my fajitas before walking over to Severide. I then gave him a high five and smiled. "Nobody else I trust more than my best friend's son." I then went to start eating and smiled. That's when Stella came in and saw that Kelly already had a fajita. "You didn't make one for me Kelly?" I then turned to look at him. "Seriously dude? Your wife!" Kelly then sighed. "Sorry babe." Stella then shook her head before walking over to Gabby.

Stella's POV:
As I walked over to Gabby in the kitchen, I sighed as I went to make myself some fajitas. "Men." Gabby laughed when I said that before shaking her head. "Severide is hopeless sometimes isn't he. By the way, how has it been on Ambo? I swear, I can't wait to get on there with you. Please promise that you will stay on until I am back. I want to work with you for a bit." I then turned to look at Matt. "Depends what my chief says." Meanwhile, Gabby stared at him. "Stella, you can stay on Ambo until the fall. That's the earliest that I am even thinking of letting Sylvie back."

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks Matt." Matt nodded and agreed when Gabby slapped my arm. "Girl, like he had a choice. Just remember, it's his birthday on Saturday and we are celebrating over the next 2 days. He knows that isn't guaranteed any action unless I agree to it." I laughed when she said that. "Very true girl." I then went to give her a high five before making my way over to our guys. Sitting next to Severide I smiled while watching Gabby sit with Matt. Grabbing his hand, before kissing him softly. "Just relax okay?"

Matt then looked at her. "Last time I checked, I wasn't the one who was talking about out sex life out loud. Now listen, we have to feed the kids after this. Then, we can start packing up to leave." Gabby smiled and agreed as she intertwined their fingers, ready to go home for 2 days. "2 days with the kids. That is going to be perfect." That's when I felt Matteo walk up next to me. "Papa, can I sit with you." Matt then smiled and nodded as he went to help him up. "We are going home soon okay buddy? You look tired." Matteo then nodded as he cuddled up to him.

"I swear, that son of yours is so adorable." Matt smiled and nodded as he looked down at Matteo before kissing his forehead. "He is, isn't he?" Matt then smiled as he rubbed his back, obviously ready to head home with his family so that they could celebrate his birthday at home.

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