Chapter 2: Worm

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Taio Ru was awoken by the calm sound of flowing water. His mind in a daze after waking. "Did I forget to turn off the sink?" Was his first thought upon hearing the sound. He turned his body to stand but something didn't feel right.


"Huh? Wiggle?" Eyes opening wide Taio Ru looked down at the long thin tail? "WTF!? Where are my arms? My legs?" He thought in a panic. Struggling to sit up and get a better look at his own body.


Taio Ru fell or more accurately rolled off the stone he was previously sleeping on into the tall vibrant green grass below. Hitting his head on the ground during the fall Taio Ru regained some of his senses.

"Let's think this through. Last... ugh that's right I died. That f*** snow storm. To think the man who figured out a way to extend the average lifespan from 100 to 150 would die at the tender age of 29. Hehehahaha!" Taio shouted before laughing in what could only be described as maniacal.

"Ugh, out of all the theories about death and what awaits us I never imagined reincarnation to be the correct answer." Taio Ru said as he swayed the tip of his tail above his head.

The long thin tail's gentle swaying in the warm breeze calmed Taio Ru's mind.

"I guess it isn't so bad to be reborn. Just, why do I have to be a worm? What am I even supposed to even do as a worm, what do I eat, can I eat?" Taio Ru thought as he wiggled his was back over on his belly.

"Wasn't the whole reincarnation system supposed to reward the good and punish the bad? I think I lived my previous life as a pretty good guy. I mean not to brag or anything by I invented and perfected several life saving equipment and there was that one medicine that reduced and even slightly reversed the effect of bone degradation. That alone got me a Nobel prize in medicine." Taio Ru said as he went through the multiple achievements he had gained in his life.

Every reward, all the praise, the words of thanks and saying he was saving the planet and the human race. Turned out to be worthless according to the rules of reincarnation.

"A worm... it couldn't have been something cooler? I mean I'm fine with being an animal. Saves me the trouble of having to deal with work and the expectations of others. But why a worm? A bird would be so much better. At least as a bird I could fly freely in the air and go wherever I wanted." The thoughts of flying freely through the air without restraint filled his mind. A warm breeze passed over his skin. It felt gentle and soft like a cashmere blanket or a feather.

"No, better yet a deep sea fish." He thought. Reminded by the sound of the small brook flowing not far away of his plans to live under the sea.

"If I was a deep fish I could life where no man could ever reach calmly floating through the ocean. Instead I've become fish food. Argh!" Taio Ru's mood fluctuated from a calm acceptance to irritated as he thought about his new life as a worm.

"Worms are supposed to be the simplest forms of life. Yet I've now become the smartest worm in the world. What the use of this brain if I don't even know how I'm supposed to eat. Do I just swallow some dirt and hope it's food? Argh this is the worst. Anything is better than a worm" if he could he would be pulling his hair in frustration right now. However he couldn't due to a lack of arms and hair.

"Ah... I give up. Whatever." After awhile Taio Ru finally accepted his faith as a worm. There is still one thing I know how to do. Sleep!" He shouted as he wiggled his way back up on the stone he'd just fallen off of.

He chose this spot because the sun shining through the emerald green bamboo leaves perfectly danced across its surface. The mix of sunlight and shadow warmed the body just enough to be comfortable, but not enough to feel hot.

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