Chapter 57: Wedding

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"Love, you look great." Jun De said as he walked up behind Taio Ru.

"My hair looks a mess." Taio Ru complained as he tried to tame the fiery red hair in front of the mirror.

"Chuckle* it's fine. We need to go. This isn't an appointment we can be late for." Jun De said as he tried to pull Taio Ru away from the mirror.

Beep!... Beep!...

"Who's that?" Taio Ru asked as he looked down at Jun De's bracelet.

"It's Lieutenant Wuya." Jun De said before answering the call.

"Marshal, Lieutenant Laohu and I are here. We need to speak with you." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"Is it important? Taio Ru and I have plans." Jun De said, displeased with the interruption.

"Forgive us, but it requires your urgent attention." Lieutenant Wuya said.

Jun De hung up the call and approved their arrival on the island.

"Jun De, will we make it?" Taio Ru asked worried they would need to reschedule.

Jun De wasn't as worried. He gave them a lot of leeway in case Taio Ru decided to "take his time" getting ready.

"It should be fine." Jun De said.


"BUAHAHA! What with the matching outfits? Didn't think you two would be into that." Lieutenant Laohu exclaimed the moment he entered the house.

"Lieutenant Wuya, you said it was urgent." Jun De stated, ignoring the loud idiot.

"It's the Xiongmao Clan. Someone has started manipulating and interfering with the investigation." Lieutenant Wuya quickly said. Unlike Lieutenant Laohu he knew it wasn't a good time to be wasting the Marshal's time.

"Have they chosen who to pin the blame on?" Jun De asked. He wasn't surprised by the information. They had already predicted it.

"Your mother seems to be taking the worse of it along with your younger brother and sister." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"They aren't going to try to drag Jun De into it, are they?" Taio Ru asked. Jun De had explained things to him previously, but it didn't prevent him from worrying.

"Even if they tried, there is nothing to tie the marshal to the Xiongmao clan finances. He has been cut off from them for almost 20 years." Lieutenant Wuya assured.

"Don't worry, even if they did the police wouldn't dare try to arrest our marshal. Hahaha!" Lieutenant Laohu said unaffected by the cold welcome he received.

"Is there a reason you needed to inform me in person?" Jun De asked. Being delayed left him in a lousy mood.

"The media has gotten wind of the arrests. It's posting all across Star Network. The police can't tie you to the current problems with the Xiongmao clan, but the media and public seem to have a different opinion." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"Apparently there are whistleblowers appearing online claiming you used your position as marshal to misdirect officials. Allowing you mother, brother, and sister to do whatever they wanted." Lieutenant Laohu explained.

"Do we know who those whistleblowers are?" Jun De asked.

"We're looking in to it." Lieutenant Wuya said solemnly.

"Jun De, should we postpone the ceremony? Having our wedding announced on the Star Network might not be the best idea right now?" Taio Ru mentioned.

"What!? Wedding announcement, ceremony? Wait are you guys dressed like that to get married? Why didn't you tell me?" Lieutenant Laohu shouted; too shocked to control his loud voice.

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