Chapter 40: Let's Watch A Movie (NSFW)

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"Mother Empress, I just got a call from my friend. Apparently he saw Marshal Xiongmao on a date tonight at Jade Garden Restaurant." Prince Xiuque said walking into his mother's parlour.

The young prince looked just like his mother. A proud and smug look on his face as he walked over to her.

"On a date? Did this friend of yours tell you who Marshal Xiongmao was on a date with?" The Empress asked raising her eyebrow curiously.

"No name, but he said it was a young man with flamboyant red hair. Must be some commoner. Chuckle* just wait until the Xiongmao family hears about their son dating a mere commoner." The prince said amused.

"A red haired young man? Interesting." The empress said standing up to leave.

"Mother Empress, where are you going?" The prince asked.

"I need to have a conversation with your father." The empress said with a smile.



Jun De looked at his bracelet then turned to Taio Ru. "Love, what do you think about going to see a movie?"

"A movie? You don't seem the type to watch movies." Taio Ru commented.

"I don't, but this is a date. Going to the movies is apparently standard." Jun De said not quite sure himself.

"Standard, and who told you that?" Taio Ru asked curiously.

Jun De peeked at his bracelet.

"Didn't I tell you not to listen to that idiot?" Taio Ru said laughing.

"Does that mean you don't want to?" Jun De asked instead.

"I... the movies will have a lot of people." Taio Ru said a little restless about the idea.

"There won't be that many, less than the restaurant. I can make sure we have a private viewing room. Just the two of us." Jun De explained.

"Rather than staying out, I'd prefer to just go home. We can watch a movie while laying in bed just the two of us." Taio Ru said wrapping his finger around Jun De's pinky his face turning crimson while he looked out the window.


"Understood." Jun De said speeding up.


Reaching home Jun De tenderly held Taio Ru's hand as they walked upstairs. The night was silent, only the soft footsteps sounding throughout.

"Jun De, I'm going to take a bath, first." Taio Ru said feeling embarrassed by his own words.

"Okay, love. I'll prepare the movie." Jun De said placing a soft kiss on Taio Ru's forehead.

Taio Ru nodded and quickly grabbed a change and clothes and ran into the bathroom his face burning red.


"What am I doing? We've only been on one date. How can I be so forward?" Taio Ru thought covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"But Jun De and I are living together. I love him and I want to be more intimate with him. It shouldn't be too quick. Besides who makes the rules for what's appropriate?" Taio Ru's mind jumped between being more intimate or waiting throughout his shower.


"Is Taio Ru ready for this? The mood is right, he gave me signals to show he's ready. However, if he isn't ready and I go to far he won't forgive me." Jun De thought as he was looking through the movies that were available.

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