Chapter 42: Dinner with the Emperor (Take 2)

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With Lieutenant Wuya investigating the rumours, Jun De moved to contact the emperor. He needed to get ahead of the problem.

Beep!... Beep!

"Hello, Marshal Xiongmao. It's unusual of you to contact me on my private line." The emperor said casually.

"Forgive the rudeness, Emperor Daxiang. There seems to be a rumour circulating and I wanted to inform you of the facts." Jun De said jumping right in.

"Rumours? I've never known you to concern yourself with rumours before." The emperor questioned. Feeling interested he leaned back and smirked. He very much wanted to hear what the marshal would say next.

"Yes. Normally rumours are unimportant and easily dismissed. Even so, this time the rumours puts into question my loyalty and professional ethics." Jun De stated. If it only involves himself he could deal with it easily. However Taio Ru was also involved and he didn't want to leave anything to chance.

"The soldiers have been led to believe that I cancelled an appointment with you, the emperor, to go on a date with a commoner." Jun De explained.

"So after you left the palace three days ago you went out to a restaurant instead with Shé Taio Ru?" The emperor asked. Not upset at the situation.

"No. Taio Ru and I went on a date last night." Jun De clarified.

"Was he okay?" The emperor asked concerned.

"As you know he had a panic attack when we went to the palace. At the restaurant, somewhere without soldiers, it was less stressful." Jun De explained.

He didn't feel comfortable explaining Taio Ru's condition with others. However he needed to prevent the rumours from becoming a bigger problem.

"His PTSD attacks, are they triggered by soldiers or large groups of people?" The emperor asked.

"It's not so simple. He seems most affected by anyone with strong emotions directed at him. However soldiers put him on high alert the moment he sees them." Jun De said.

"Having him come to the palace seems nearly impossible if soldiers cause him a lot of stress." The emperor said.

"We are working hard, but it may not be possible for some time." Jun De admitted.

"In regards to the rumours. Would you like me to make a formal statement?" The emperor asked.

"Not necessary. I have my men investigating. Once we determine the person behind the rumours, we can discuss the next steps." Jun de said.

"Any ideas on who it might be?" The emperor asked.

"None that are easy to deal with." Jun De said not intending to say names.

"Understood. If the rumours are brought to my attention I will only clarify them on my end, nothing more." The emperor said.

"Thank you for your understanding Emperor Daxiang." Jun De said just before the emperor ended the call.


Jun De grabbed some juice out of the fridge and walked back to the pavilion where Taio Ru was waiting.

"Did your call go well?" Taio Ru asked when Jun De returned.

"It did. What about you? Any questions you need help with?" Jun De asked as he sat down next to Taio Ru.

"No." Taio Ru said as he sipped his juice and cuddled up close to Jun De.

Jun De couldn't help but smile at his lover's small act of intimacy.

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