Chapter 102: Wuya Cries

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Everything went according to plan. So smooth that Jun De felt it was too easy.

"Marshal it's time for dinner. Everything is quiet here, why don't you go see Taio Ru for a quick meal?" Lieutenant Wuya suggested.

Everyone in the Control room could sense the Marshal's unease. Mostly because, they too were uneasy and tense. But also because the Marshal stared, his eyes sharp and focused on the screen. As though he was waiting for something.

In an attempt to relieve some of the tension, Wuya made the suggestion. A suggestion Lieutenant Laohu would have made if he was there.

"Contact me if anything unusual occurs. I will be back within 15 minutes." He said before darting out of the control room.

The walk that took 5 minutes was reduced to 2 as he walked through the halls. Those who saw him doubted whether he was walking or floating across the floor.

When he reached his room and entered he expected to find Taio Ru asleep. But unexpectedly, Taio Ru was awake. Awake and staring at a plate of fruit.

"Love, are you not hungry?" Jun De asked.

"I don't know. The food looks delicious and my stomach feels empty, but for some reason I can't bring myself to eat it." Taio Ru said confused by his bodies mixed feelings.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?" Jun De asked. He also couldn't make sense of Taio Ru's contradictory feelings.

"No. Jun De, why are you here? Are we no longer on high alert?" Taio Ru asked. Although he was half asleep at the time, he still remembered the conversation they had prior.

"No, we are quickly approaching the climax. When we do alarms will sound out. Right now I want to move you to the garden. It's the safest place on the ship." Jun De advised.

"Could you tell me a little about the upcoming battle?" Taio Ru asked after noticing Jun De's tense feelings.

"It's the Zerg. There are 3 Zerg ships along with some from the Empire we will be fighting against soon."

"The Zerg? Those plant energy using bloodthirsty aliens? I'd like a sample of the plants they use." Taio Ru mumbled the last part. It was actually something he pondered several times before. His thoughts revolving around learning more about the plants so he could devise a way to destroy them.

"Don't ask for the impossible. Coming in contact with even a sample of the plant could kill you. It will draw out your life force with a mere touch." Jun De said. He could clearly hear Taio Ru's mumbling and predict his train of thought.

Taio Ru blushed after being seen through. "I understand. Jun De promise me you'll be safe. The garden may be the safest place, but only while you're alive out here. If you die, it becomes my coffin. Do you understand why?" Taio Ru said with a serious tone.

"I do." Jun De said as he gently kissed Taio Ru's head.

At first Jun De thought he was joking, but when he looked into Taio Ru's eyes he realized it wasn't a joke. "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

Taio Ru looked at him suspiciously. "You'll stay on the ship this time, right? I won't come out of the garden unless you're the one knocking at the door. If you die, I'll become food for the babies." Taio Ru said. His tone lighthearted but his dark eyes staring deep into Jun De's.

"Love, I promise. I'll knock on the garden door long before you starve." Jun De said, sounding equally light hearted as Taio Ru, never once looking away.

After talking for a few minutes Jun De picked Taio Ru up and carried him into the garden. He then grabbed several things Taio Ru might need. Such as the plate of food, some nutritional jellies, lots of fresh water, and a few odds and ends.

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