Chapter 108: Sleep Well

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"Taio Ru, I promise to come check on you and the babies often. So promise to call. I won't lie and say things aren't busy right now. But I will never be too busy for you. Please, my love. Don't try to do this alone. Call me." Jun De said nearly begging him.

"I'm sorry. It was stupid of me not to call." Taio Ru said squeezing his abdomen.

"Don't apologize my love." Jun De said as he kissed his fluffy red hair.


A notification came reminding Jun De about the meeting.

Jun De held Taio Ru's face in his hands. "Love, I need to go, but that isn't to say I can't come back at anytime. All you need to do is call. Please call." Jun De stressed repeatedly. As he looked him straight in the eyes.

Taio Ru nodded after reflecting on his behaviour.

"My lovelies. I'll be back soon. Be good to your father, and let him rest." Jun De said as he gently touched each one's tiny little heads.

They looked up at Jun De then a split second later they were stuffing their faces with fruit once more.

"Chuckle* Love, I really love you. I love all four of you." Jun De said before standing up to leave.

Walking to the door Jun De looked back once more. He hated having to leave them, but he had urgent work to attend to.


The door opened just as the doctor was about to knock on the door.

"Marshal, looks like I got here just in time." The doctor said.

"I need to leave, for an important meeting. When you finish send me the report." Jun De said. His brow furrowed as though he were in pain as he spoke.

"I understand. Things in the medical bay have started to calm down. I can stay here with them for longer this time." The doctor said. It was neither a lie nor an exaggeration.

With all the ships together the patients were triaged and resources were rearranged based on need. Everyone had heard about Taio Ru giving birth so they included him in their decisions. Doctor Haitung thus got some extra assistance so he could leave the medical bay to treat Taio Ru without worry.

Satisfied Jun De left and the doctor walked in the room. "Taio Ru, did I not warn you to remain in your beast form?" The doctor said. His tone light despite the seriousness of the problem.

"I admit it was a careless of me. I panicked and didn't consider the consequences." Taio Ru sad regretting his decision.

"After giving birth your body needs to recover. It's the same with any injury us beastmen receive. When healing, it's best to remain in the form you were in while injured. Otherwise some serious complications can occur due to the change. I need to examine your body again to see what happened." The doctor said as he brought the portable exam table into the room.

"I understand." Taio Ru said.


The First little snake hissed and looked up at Taio Ru. "What is it? Have you finished the fruit?" Taio Ru asked.

The little snake look at him juice dripping down its face. Taio ru grabbed a napkin and gently wiped its little face. "Are you still hungry?" Taio Ru asked.

The little snake returned to the plate of food and looked at him again.

"Doctor, the baby books all say most beastmen in the reptile clans can eat anything from the day they are born. Is that true? These guys aren't going to get sick from eating this are they?" Taio Ru asked. He could see that the snakes were enjoying the meal, but his common sense from his past life left him feeling uneasy.

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