Chapter 30: Staying Home

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In the middle of the night Taio Ru woke up feeling cold. "Jun De?" He wondered as he looked around. Not seeing Jun De by his side Taio Ru felt like there was a hole in his chest.

He crawled out of bed lazily looking around for Jun De. "Where is he?" Taio Ru wondered. Shuffling around the room he made his way his way to the bathroom.

Not finding any signs of him in the bathroom Taio Ru's brow furrowed. "Where did he go?" He thought continuing his search. This time he set his sights on the couch.

Poking his head over the back of the couch he finally found Jun De. "Why is he sleeping here?" Taio Ru questioned displeased with the fact Jun De wasn't in bed with him.

Taio Ru's first instinct was to wake Jun De up. But when he stretched his arm out Taio Ru caught sight of Jun De's sleeping face.

"So handsome." Taio Ru thought. Lowering his arm and admiring the man asleep on the couch. He didn't often get to look at Jun De so closely. Thinking back, Taio Ru only just realized this was the first time he'd seen Jun De sleeping.

Jun De had very unique eyes. The kind that usually looked lazy or unconcerned. However when he was serious they'd turn sharp and piercing. Taio Ru was always focused on Jun De's eyes he hadn't paid much attention to the rest of his face.

"His lips are thin, but very soft when he kisses. His jaw line isn't as sharp as I'd expect from a military man. It has a more beautiful curve to it. Overall his features feel softer.
Jun De is definitely handsome. Not a manly handsome. He has a more scholarly look. Not thin or bulky, he's just right with well toned muscles. A secret buff man under his clothes." Taio thought remembering how Jun De looked shirtless with his well defined eight pack.

"Long arms and legs that accentuate his slender figure..." Taio continued admiring the sleeping man on the couch.

Little did he know, that Jun De had already woken up a long time ago. "What is the little snake up to?" He wondered while continuing to pretend to be asleep. Curious about what the little snake would do next.

Time passed and Taio Ru only continued to look at Jun De. Making Jun De a little restless. "Should I just pretend to wake up? No, that might scare him. Unless he's waiting for me to wake up? No, why would he wait for me to wake up?" Jun De's thought we're running in circles because he was so confused by Taio Ru's inaction.


Suddenly, Taio Ru transformed back into his snake form and quietly slithered over to his usual place on Jun De's chest.

"It's warm." Taio Ru thought as he curled up comfortably. Where as the confused Jun De also felt a. Warmth were the little cold blooded snake lay. "Cute." Jun De thought relaxing and planning to fall back asleep together with his little snake lover.


The next morning Taio Ru woke up. He once again found himself in bed, but this time he wasn't alone. Jun De had lovingly stayed with him, doing his work in bed.

"Good morning, love." Jun De said as he gently placed a kiss on Taio Ru's little snake head.

Still a little drowsy Taio Ru didn't respond right away. He looked at the interface in front of Jun De with multiple screens open.

"Are you busy?" Taio Ru asked.

"A little. I need to attend a few meetings today. Will you be fine staying here or do you want to come along?" Jun De asked. If it was before Jun De would want to take Taio Ru with him. However, things would probably end up similar to yesterday with Marshal Shizi.

"I'll stay here. Will you be gone all day?" Taio Ru ask d. He didn't want to come off as needy, but Jun De could easily see through him.

"I won't be too long. You can also call me at anytime and I'll rush right back if you need me." Jun De explained.

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