Chapter 47: The Research Lab

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Taio Ru's body was still stiff from the previous night's activities, so they decided to go for a leisurely walk through the forest after a light lunch.

The very picture of a perfect couple. Until Taio Ru turned to Jun De and suddenly asked, "Jun De, when will we get married?"

Not expecting Taio Ru's question Jun De stared at him blankly.


"You're not having seconds thoughts are you?" Taio Ru snapped. His cheeks puffed up in anger as he tapped his foot hard against the ground.

"Cute!" Jun De thought before shaking his head and answering Taio Ru.

"Of course not Love. I just didn't expect you to suddenly ask. We can get married tomorrow if you want."
"How? I mean, what do two people need to do to get married in this world?" Taio Ru said a slight blush replacing his anger.

"It's relatively simple. There are two types of marriages. One is a simple matter of going to the marriage registration office and doing a little paperwork. The other includes the River Ceremony." Jun De explained.

"River Ceremony?" Taio Ru said curiously.

"Hm. It's when a couple swears their eternal love in the Mobius River. For millenniums, this river that circles all of Capital Star has been used in wedding ceremonies.
The two who wish to marry enter the river together in their beast forms and swear there love with a simple ceremony where they share a drink and symbolically bathe each other in the water. They then promise to love each other forever like how the river flow is eternal." Jun De explained.

Taio Ru's eyes were soft as he imagined the ceremony.

"Is anything special needed to do the ceremony?" Taio Ru asked. He tried to be subtle but his interest was easily seen.

"No, but we might have to wait a few days for a time to come available. I'll call and find out." Jun De said as he brought out his bracelet's calling interface.

"Wait. There's no rush. I'm about to start work at the lab tomorrow. Let's wait a week or two." Taio Ru said quickly.

"I don't think there's enough time to prepare wedding rings so quickly." Taio Ru thought. He hadn't asked but it seemed wedding rings weren't something people did in this world. But it was something he wanted to do. And he hoped he could surprise Jun De with them.

Jun De was a little surprised Taio Ru wanted to wait after he looked so angry. Even so, he was more than happy to do whatever Taio Ru wanted. "He wants the ceremony. 🎶 So cute!" Jun De thought happily.

Few people took the time to do the ceremony. Those who did were praised as soulmates. It was also publicly announced on the Star Network. Making the marriage public would naturally make Jun De happiest. After all he wished he could brag to the world about his adorable little snake.


At night, Taio Ru and Jun De were preparing for bed. Jun De looked over at Taio Ru and with a coy smile wrapped his arms around Taio Ru's waist.

"Love, I bought some new lubricants. Should we take a look and choose the best one together?" Jun De asked obviously hinting at his true intentions.

"Not tonight. It will be my first day at the research lab tomorrow. I don't want to risk being late. There's also a good chance my body will be sore..." Taio Ru said shyly.

"Understood. We have the rest of our lives to do those things. Although I would be more than happy to do it everyday. I also don't want it to affect your health." Jun De said trying to hide his disappointment.

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