Chapter 36: Plans

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While they sat and enjoyed the fruit and pastries, lieutenant Wuya and Jun De started talking about work.

"They've requested some of our troupes to join in the battle against the pirates. However with you being unavailable we've been stalling. Marshal are you sure you want to sit this one out? The decision to attack was yours." Lieutenant Wuya said cautiously.

"I'm certain. I'm needed here. As for the troupes. They also will not be joining the battle. I'll contact the emperor and refuse the call for assistance." Jun De said.

"Are you sure? Should we at least send one battleship. It won't be good if we don't participate; worse if we refuse." Lieutenant Wuya stated. The concern in his voice obvious.

"Both Marshal Hujing and Marshal Shizi are both available and willing to participate. They have plenty of manpower. If our troupes join, they will be under the command of one of them. Best case it's under Marshal Hujing. Under his command they will join the front lines. However Marshal Hujing will choose to direct our troupes in the more dangerous areas or tactics that have lower odds. Worst case they get Marshal Shizi. He will most likely misuse his post as their commander to ask for unreasonable things in hopes they mess up. If they do mess up, I can guarantee reports will be made." Jun De explained. He knew the two Marshals personalities best. They were good on the battlefield and loyal to the Empire.

Unfortunately, they also craved for commendations and influence. He wouldn't put it past them to use his absence to strike at him. He expected it, and he also couldn't stop it. But he could protect his people from being out in the middle of it.

"I understand." Lieutenant Wuya said his head down. He was ashamed of his inability to consider such a possibility.

"Quit talking about such boring things. Hey Marshal, have you decided on where you'll be taking Taio Ru for your first date?" Lieutenant Laohu said in an attempt to change the subject.

"Taio Ru and I haven't discussed it yet." Jun De admitted.

"In that case you should go to the amusement park. The star network says it's a great place to grow closer because of the thrills. You also must try the haunted house." Lieutenant Laohu said pulling up a thread off the star network.

"Amusement park? Isn't that a place full of rides and games?" Taio Ru said.

"Love, do you want to go?" Jun De asked quickly. He had noticed the curious stare of his little snake while reading the article lieutenant Laohu showed them.

"I've never been to one before. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested." Taio Ru admitted shyly.

"Let's make arrangements to go tomorrow. Lieutenant Laohu where is the nearest amusement park?" Jun De stated.

"Well there's a small one just half an hour away. But I would suggest going to the bigger one two hours from here. The rides are better and it says the haunted house is known as the scariest on Capital Star." Lieutenant Laohu said as he brought up a map.

Jun De looked over the map and added the address to his bracelet.

"I'm fine with the smaller one, too." Taio Ru said not quite sure about flying for two hours.

"The distance is far, but I can point out some of the sights along the way. We can also stay in a hotel if we want." Jun De said. He wanted the best for Taio Ru. If the amusement park that was further away was better, than that was the one they would go to.


Jun De and Taio Ru waved as the two lieutenants departed from their home. They'd only stayed for lunch, but had promised to come again in a few days.

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