Chapter 79: Medical Check

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Taio Ru woke up early the next day. Despite waking up he lay in Jun De's arms refusing to move, his eyes closed.

Jun De hadn't slept all night. He had been too focused on work that before he knew it, it was already morning. Despite his attention on work, he didn't miss the moment Taio Ru woke up.

"Looks like my love is awake. Does he not want to get up yet?"

Even though Taio Ru refused to move or say anything. Jun De wasn't worried, he let Taio Ru laze in his arms as he wished.

"Damn. I need to pee." Taio Ru grumbled.

"Love?" Jun De asked. Noticing his lazy snake's movements.

Taio Ru yawned lazily, with tears in his eyes as he sat up. "I need to use the toilet." He mumbled before reluctantly leaving Jun De's warm embrace.

"Do you need help?" Jun De asked on reflex.


Taio Ru gave Jun De a dead silent stare before standing up and walking to the bathroom by himself.

Watching his moody snake, Jun De couldn't help but laugh. "So cute!"


When Taio Ru finally left the bathroom he couldn't find Jun De. "Where is he?" He thought as he looked around.

Hearing a noise from downstairs he found Jun De and the doctor discussing something by the door.

"Morning Taio Ru! How are you feeling today?" The doctor exclaimed when he saw him walk down the stairs.

"I'm fine." Taio Ru said with a smile.

Jun De frowned at their friendly greeting. Only to show off a smug smile when Taio Ru walked over to his side.

"The doctor came for your regular morning exam." Jun De explained as he placed his hand on Taio Ru's lower back.

"Doctor can you also give Jun De an exam? I want to know his current state and how long before he fully heals." Taio Ru asked.

"Not a problem. I should have everything I need downstairs in the medical bay to examine and treat his injuries." The doctor said before leading the way to the elevator.


"Love, you go first?" Jun De offered.

"No, I'll go second." Taio Ru didn't have faith that Jun De wouldn't find an excuse not to do the exam if he went first. Therefore he decided to go second giving Jun De no chance to refuse.

"Understood." Jun De said as he grabbed the change of clothes and left. While he was changing, Taio Ru turned to the doctor to discuss Jun De's current condition.

"He was badly hurt. According to the report he had cuts and bruises all over the place. It doesn't look like they are there now, but he was also stabbed or something in the abdomen. I haven't checked, but it probably hasn't healed right? It happened less than two weeks ago.
It also mentioned a concussion. I remember when I had a concussion I needed to rest for over a month.
Plus his ribs. They were badly bruised. When I looked yesterday, I could see his chest covered in bruises. Please help him." Taio Ru tried his best to explain what he knew.

Unfortunately all he knew came from the concise and brief report Commander Ma sent him. He wanted to ask Jun De about it, but knew it would be impossible to get the whole truth.

"Jun De is a strong, healthy, young man. His injuries will heal at a much faster pace than you can imagine. With current medical technology, I'd say he should be fine after a few days. However, I understand your concern. I'll run the exam and administer treatment to help with the process." The doctor explained.

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