Chapter 12: Feelings

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Sitting in his favourite place amongst the vibrant bamboo. Jun De smiled.

"Why are you happy? Do you like seeing me like this? Or is it because your happy you found your fiancé alive and well?" Taio Ru said his voice growing softer as he lowered his head disheartened by his own words.

"Taio Ru, I have no feelings for that woman. Captain Baihu, like myself is from a noble lineage. However unlike my family hers has slowly been declining over the past few generations and is no longer at the same level as mine.
In an attempt to raise their family back up again, they have been asking for a marriage contract. I have no interest in that part of my life and have always rejected the proposal." Jun De explained in as clear a manner as he could think of.

Hearing JunDe's words, Taio Ru felt a sense of relief. The anger subsiding, yet the sadness still remained along with a rare confusion.

"Jun De, I'm sorry. I don't know why I'm acting this way." Taio Ru said regrettably.

"Taio Ru, would you like to hear my theory for how you reacted." Jun De asked.

He himself had been struggling with unknown feelings and thoughts the last few days. However seeing Taio Ru's reaction just now he finally understood what they meant.

Taio Ru looked up at Jun De anticipating the words Jun add would say next.

"Taio Ru, I believe, that like myself, you have fallen in love with me." Jun De said without beating around the bush or hesitation.

"Fallen in love?" Taio Ru said before lowering his head in thought.

"Love is a mixture lust, attraction, and attachment. Lust? I would be lying if I didn't think Jun De was attractive. His body is strong with a distinct and well proportioned musculature. His eyes, look lethargic and soft at most times, but they can change sharply when commanding his subordinates, his long white hair is mysterious with the black tips..."

Taio Ru looked over Jun De admiring his handsome figure. Before moving on to the next one, attraction. "I can't deny I enjoy spending time with Jun De. Being at his side is comfortable and I feel closest to him. Wanting to know about him. In all my life, I've never wanted to approach another like I do with Jun De. As for attachment, that is a little more complicated."

Taio Ru remained still as gut through his feelings and what he knew love to be. He had never experienced it before or understood it. But he wasn't completely hopeless.

"Jun De, I can't be certain. My understanding of love and my current feelings do support your theory. However..." Taio Ru said unsure how to finish.

"Taio Ru, I have also never been in love. But I cannot deny that you are a special existence in my mind." Jun De interrupted.

"Then, should we explore the possibility some more?" Taio Ru asked a little hopeful, but also unsure.

"Yes." Jun De said as he looked down tenderly at the little snake next to him.

"Now that we are in a relationship, what should we do? In my world, couples would go on dates and do stuff like, that." Taio Ru said trying to recall the past.

"Dating, will need to wait until we return to the capital and the mission has concluded. For now, I feel continuing as we have been will suffice." Jun De said.

If Laohu had heard about their plan to go on a date when they returned to the capital he might have complained how dating was pointless. They were already literally stuck together 24hours a day.

Coming to a decision that may not have seemed the most romantic was considering the two involved.

Neither of them were big on emotions and usually approached life in a more logical manner. Those who knew them would be amazed they could even figure out and admit their feelings let alone start dating.

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