Chapter 80: Learning the truth

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After breakfast Jun De and Taio Ru went for a walk outside. This time heading for the bamboo forest. The walk was quiet yet comforting.

"Do you have a lot of work to do?" Taio Ru asked.

"It's a little busy, but I intend to spend the next few days here by your side, Love." Jun De said.

"You don't have to stay here 24/7. I understand if you need to leave for work. After all, it's strange that the Emperor hasn't asked you to attend a meeting yet."

"He has, but I asked for a little time." Jun De said.

"Jun De, don't keep the Emperor waiting. It will only bring you more work and trouble. You should meet with him this afternoon. I will be in my lab working on my research anyway."

"Love, are you sure?"

"I wouldn't suggest it if I wasn't certain. I also have something you can give him."

"Give him what?" Jun De asked unsettled by his words.

"When I connected the call through the solar storm, the officer mentioned no one being able to do it. I wrote out the procedure so next time the staff can do it. If you give it to the Emperor maybe he'll forgive you for coming to see me first?" Taio Ru reasoned.

He was happy Jun De had gone home immediately, but he wasn't stupid. He knew Jun De should have checked in with the emperor and reported his mission first before anything.

"This information, rather than give it to him. You can publish it and get proper recognition; even sell it." Jun De said.

"I plan to sell Little Sun. Something like this isn't worth much anyway. Once you know the trick it's easy to do. It's worth more as a gift." Taio Ru explained.

Jun De was grateful for the help. He wouldn't admit it, but he was about to discuss some sensitive matters with the emperor. If the information could help improve the emperors mood beforehand, it would be welcomed.

Sitting down at the pavilion Taio Ru looked over at Jun De. "What are you waiting for? Arrange the meeting for this afternoon." Taio Ru urged.

Jun De sighed at his little snakes eagerness. He then opened his bracelet's interface and sent a message asking for a private meeting with the Emperor that afternoon.


Taio Ru had wanted Jun De to take a nap with him, but Jun De refused. He needed to prepare for his meeting and didn't have the time.

"Shit! I should have told him to arrange the meeting for tomorrow morning instead." He grumbled, regretting how pushy he was earlier.

With no other choice he quickly prepared and gave Jun De the information promised. He then lazily cuddled up next to him and read through some books while Jun De prepared for the meeting. The room was quiet, but unlike the previous two months he spent alone, Taio Ru felt completely at ease.

Soon it was time for lunch, if Jun De was going to make his meeting they would have to eat early. Taio Ru didn't want Jun De to skip lunch so he had lunch prepared and forced Jun De to accompany him at 11:00.

Lunch consisted of another vegetable soup with a steak sandwich.

"Taio Ru the last two meals you only ate the soup. Try to eat the sandwich as well." Jun De said when he noticed the look Taio Ru gave the sandwich.

"I will." Taio Ru said looking guilty like a child caught in a lie.

"That's good. It's important to eat well." Jun de said as he reached over and cut the sandwich in two. He then placed the second half on his plate and pushed the other towards Taio Ru.

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