Chapter 66: Something isn't Right

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That night during their call Jun De didn't waste time with pleasantries. He immediately got straight to the point.

"Love, when did you go to sleep last night?"

Taio Ru's eyes were swimming as he tried to think of an answer that wouldn't worry Jun De.

"Love, did you sleep last night?" Jun De asked changing his question after noticing his hesitation.

"I went to bed at around 10...?" Taio Ru said his voice trailing off. He hoped Jun De wouldn't pick up on his choice of words.

"It's good that you "went to bed" early, but were you able to sleep?" Jun De said. He had obviously noticed Taio Ru's poor attempt to deceive him.

"I tried. But it's been difficult falling asleep."

"Love, when was the last time you had a full night's rest?" He asked as he looked at Taio Ru with concern.

"Maybe since you left." Taio Ru admitted.

"How much sleep have you gotten since I left?" Jun De asked feeling worse about his decision to leave.

"I'm not sure. I guess a few hours here and there."

"A few hours a day or in total since I left?" Jun De's face grew darker with each question.

"Don't worry. I'm just a little tired. It isn't anything I'm not used to." Taio Ru said trying to dispel Jun De's worry.

"Used to? Are you referring to your past life? The one where you died of exhaustion." Jun De asked clearly unhappy.

"I didn't die from exhaustion. I froze." Taio Ru corrected.

"Because you were too exhausted to walk home and collapsed! Taio Ru, you need to rest." Jun De stressed.

"I know, but there's nothing I can do. I lay in bed for hours and still can't sleep." Taio Ru retorted a little frustrated.

"I'll contact the doctor tomorrow. He can prescribe some sleeping pills for you." Jun De suggested.

"No, I won't take drugs!"

"Love, this isn't up for debate. You need to sleep." Jun De said.

"I'll figure something out that doesn't require drugs. Don't worry. Just worry about yourself and stay safe." Taio Ru exclaimed before ending the call abruptly.

Jun De stared at the blank screen dumbfounded. "I can't believe he hung up on me?" He thought before redialing Taio Ru's number.

Unfortunately, Taio Ru was not in the mood to pick up. It just rang and rang without an answer.

Eventually, Jun De gave up and decided to contact the doctor. Even though Taio Ru had refused to take drugs, he hoped maybe the doctor could convince him otherwise. Or at the very least, give him a check up.

"Marshal? I'm surprise to receive your call. Is there something you need?" The doctor said.

"Could you help me check on Taio Ru? He hasn't been able to sleep for over a week and it seems he hasn't been eating well." Jun De explained.

He didn't have a chance to ask Taio Ru if he had been eating well. Even so, the Lieutenants seemed to believe there was a problem.

"Has he told you the cause?" The doctor asked.

"No. When I spoke to him earlier he got a little upset. I think the lack of sleep is affecting his mood." Jun De explained trying to give as much information as possible.

"I'll pay him a visit this evening. Unfortunately, I can't guarantee if he will accept my help. If the past has taught me anything it's that Taio Ru detests medication." The doctor said uncertain.

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