Chapter 31: Emperor Daxiang

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"Marshal Xiongmao, it's nice of you to show up." Marshal Shizi said sarcastically. He'd been complaining about Marshal Xiongmao and how unprofessional he'd been at the barracks the other day.

"If you'd prefer, I don't mind starting my vacation a day sooner. Unfortunately, it seems unlikely as we need to discuss how your subordinates attempted a mutiny on my warship." Jun De shot back, unwilling to back down.

"Now, now both of you calm down came a voice from the doorway.

"Emperor Daxiang." Jun De said as he saluted the man entering. He was a younger man maybe a year or two older than Jun De. He had long gray hair with kind eyes. He spoke in a calm manner unbefitting  his age.

"Marshal Xiongmao. You didn't bring your lover from the Shé clan?" Emperor Daxiang asked curiously as he gave Jun De a once over.

"We are discussing military affairs. It would be inappropriate for a civilian to attend." Jun De stated coldly. He understood the emperor asked with no ill intent, but he didn't wish to quench his curiosity either.

"What a shame. I really wanted to meet the beastmen that managed to conquer that frigid heart of yours." The emperor said as he moved to sit down.

"Emperor Daxiang, that lover of his has broken many of our rules and regulations. You should be calling him in to investigate, not chat. You can't just brush the rules they've broken aside." Marshal Shizi complained.

"Rules? Does this mean, like your subordinates you also wish to question Marshal Xiongmao's command. I believe you've also allowed your wife and children to accompany you on your warship? Should I bring them in for questioning as well?" The emperor said.

"That was different. They never came along during a mission or attended a meeting." Marshal Shizi rebutted.

"Given the circumstances revolving around Shé Taio Ru's appearance on the ship, I believe it can be excused. As for attending meetings, did he not leave when asked? Marshal Shizi, I suggest you stop trying to fault Marshal Xiongmao and instead focus on your own subordinates." The emperor said. It may have seemed like a casual remark, but the truth was that the emperor was warning Marshal Shizi.

Allowing unrelated personal on a ship was a minor problem compared to the reconnaissance team's crimes. If his team was willing to question Marshal Xiongmao's command while on his ship. It did not paint a good picture for what they may do if he ever made a questionable judgement.

Realizing the emperor was not in a good mood, Marshal Shizi shut up.

"Emperor Daxiang, shall we start the meeting?" Jun De asked. He wanted to quickly finish things so he could return to Taio Ru's side.

"Yes, of course. This meeting's purpose is to discuss your last mission. Let's start with the missions objectives." The emperor said.


"Now that we've gotten the boring stuff out of the way, let's discuss your young lover." The emperor said as he leaned forward in his chair.

"I've already handed in my report regarding Taio Ru's circumstances." Jun De said disliking how the emperor had taken an interest in Taio Ru.

"Yes, I know I read the report.  It it didn't say anything about your relationship. How far have the two of you gotten? What kind of person is he? None of which were written in your report." The emperor clarified a twinkle in his eye.

"The answers to those question are irrelevant to the incident. I am not required to discuss them." Jun De said stubbornly.

"It's not about the report. This is me wanting to understand you and the snake's relationship." The emperor added.

"I don't see why I need to divulge that information." Jun De restated. His eyes sharp in annoyance. He wasn't someone who liked discussing his personal affairs with others unless absolutely necessary.

"Don't act that way. If this man will be at your side and living with you, then it is important to know more about him. The dynamic of your relationship, whether it is strong enough that it won't change in the near future or a temporary fling. Will he be an asset to the empire or a weakness?
All of these are important and involve national security. Whether you agree or not it is something I consider very important." The emperor said more seriously.

He had been dealing with Jun De and his unyielding cold personality for a long time. Unless it was an order or reasonably explained, Jun De wouldn't bend.

Prepared to have some resistance the emperor had already prepared this long speech.

"Are you also doubting Taio Ru?" Jun De asked his face cold. Depending on how he answered the emperor knew Jun De might not take it well.

"It's not like that. Marshal Xiongmao, I do this with all the Marshals and close staff subordinates families. I have dinner with them, I invite them to banquets, I ask about how they are. All so I can understand more about them.
They do not work for me. I also don't expect Shé Taio Ru to work for me, but he is by your side. He has access to the home of one of my most trusted officers. I would be stupid not to pay attention to him. Don't you agree?" The emperor explained.

Jun De couldn't refute the emperors reasoning. Nor could he disobey the emperor's words.

"I understand, but Taio Ru is still suffering from the incident onboard the ship. I will discuss with him about meeting you at a later time." Jun De said.

"That's all I ask." The emperor confirmed. He knew to to give up while he was ahead.

Although Jun De wasn't willing to go into details about his relationship with Taio Ru at that moment. They did need to discuss the reconnaissance team's attack on Taio Ru.


"Marshal Shizi, after hearing the details from Marshal Xiongmao it sounds to be a isolated incident revolving around Captain Baihu. However, I would advice you to refresh your subordinates memory of the rules. With special attention on the one about following their commanding officers." Emperor Daxiang said no longer as easygoing as he seemed at the beginning of the meeting.

"Understood." Marshal Shizi answered. His head down in shame. He had heard from the perpetrators that they had legitimate suspicions concerning Taio Ru.

However after hearing Jun De's account, the reconnaissance team taking action after Marshal Xiongmao addressed their initial concerns was a direct break of protocol. In fact they were lucky Marshal Xiongmao didn't throw them out of his spaceship directly.

"Emperor Daxiang, now that I've completed my due diligence concerning the mission I would like ti officially start my vacation." Jun De said not wanting to spend anymore time at work.

"Do you and Shé Taio Ru have plans?" The emperor asked intrigued.

"Do two people need to have plans to want to be together?" Jun De stated without hesitation catching the emperor off guard.

"Marshal Xiongmao I never knew you were such a romantic. I'm looking forward to when I can see it live." The emperor said before dismissing everyone from the meeting.

Free from his last meeting of the day, Jun De quickly walked out of headquarters and headed towards his flying car.


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