Chapter 29: Matching

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Entering the bathroom Taio  Ru decided to take a shower first. He wanted to use the large bath, but didn't want to rush while bathing. So he changed his mind and decided to wait until just before bed. That way he could soak and enjoy it slowly.

He first tried to transform. He didn't remember how he did it the first time because he was asleep when it happened. Despite that he did remember how Jun De explained it.

Closing his eyes he focused on his body. "Transform!" He thought.


"Damn it why didn't I change." Taio Ru thought both embarrassed and frustrated. "No, I can't give up." Taio Ru refocused his mind and tried again. "Become a human!" He thought. This time he also recalled his human appearance.


Nothing happened again.

Taio Ru was smacking his tail against the floor in frustration. It had always been easy for him to learn new things. Yet somehow, transforming which was supposedly very easy for beastmen to do was giving him a hard time.

"I can't keep doing it this way. The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I need to change something if I want a different result." Taio Ru calmed himself and tried to approach the problem from a different angle.

Taio Ru lay on the floor thinking back on what happened the morning he transformed. Suddenly a burst of steam escaping the top of his head. "No, no, no!" Taio Ru shouted as he shook his head furiously. "I can't think of that." I was already human at that time. Before that... before that..." Taio tried his best to think about what happened before he and Jun De got intimate.

Refocusing his mind Taio Ru took a deep breath. He wasn't sure when he transformed exactly. "It must have happened while I was asleep... that night I did have a strange dream." Taio Ru thought back on the dream. He recalled having a hard time feeling his limbs from the cold and slowly needing to recover his ability to walk.


Suddenly, Taio Ru found himself transformed on the floor naked. "Why?!" He still didn't understand why his dream would trigger his change. Curious he tried changing back again.


"That was easy." Tao Ru thought as he almost immediately changed back into a snake.

Taio tried thinking back on his dream again, but with less details once more. Cutting out the parts about it being cold and what he saw and focused on what he did instead.


"Is it because I dreamt of moving around in my human body?" Taio Ru asked himself.





Taio Ru went back and forth between human and snake form multiple times before he was satisfied. Each time was quicker and easier than the last.

Knock... knock

"Love is everything okay?" Jun De asked through the door. Taio Ru had been inside for a long time and he was worried something had happened.

"It's fine, I'm going to shower first." Taio replied as he got up and turned on the shower.

He quickly bathed before coming out and dressing in his all white pyjamas. The size was unexpectedly just right. Not too lose or too tight. "He has terrible taste in clothes, but is good at guessing sizes." Taio Ru praised. As he admired his looks in the mirror.

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