Chapter 97: Banned From the Lab

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Taio Ru wasn't as lazy the next few days. Determined to work and finish Little Sun SS before the babies came. He had Jun De bring him to his lab every day.

"Love, I'm glad you can use the voice to text function I had installed for you to work. But shouldn't you take a break? You'll lose your voice soon." Jun De stated. He had been doing his own work not far away when he noticed Taio Ru's voice becoming hoarse.

"Cough* it's fine. I just need to drink a little water." Taio Ru said as he sunk his head into the little bowl next to him. The water quickly diminishing as he gulped it down.

"Love, I understand you want to finish Little Sun SS soon, but there really isn't any rush. You should be resting right now." Jun De complained.

Just one, no two more hours. I promise I'll stop for the day after I test run the preliminary program." Taio Ru said as he slithered back to his spot and began working again.

With no way to stop him, Jun De went back to his desk and continued his own work. All whilst keeping an eye on Taio Ru and the clock.


After roughly an hour, Taio smiled, pleased with the preliminary program he had written. "If these goes well I can start the next step tomorrow." He muttered to himself.

Jun De however heard him from his desk not far away. Intrigued he decided to watch.

'Random robotic startup sounds'*



Suddenly sparks started to fly. And streams of energy like lightning lit the room as they leapt from Little Sun SS.

Jun De ran forward grabbing Taio Ru and covered him with his body. The danger finally passing less than a minute later, but the resulting scene was a disaster.

"Love, are you okay!?" Jun De shouted. His voice a little loud. The loud bang had caused a ringing sound in his ears.

Taio Ru looked over at his Little Sun SS contemplating what had gone wrong. "I must have miscalculated the speed of ... and I'll need to recalibrate the .... No, maybe it was the ...? Either way I'll need to reorder a new ..." he began muttering not noticing Jun De's current distress.

Displeased by Taio Ru's lack of concern for their lives Jun De grabbed him and carried him out of the room.

"Jun De? Hey, wait!? I need to..."

"No! The lab is off limits until further notice." Jun De said with a stern angry voice.

"Off limits? What do you mean, I need to readjust the program and change several parts. I have so much work that needs to be done. You can't just decided unilateral to close my lab." Taio Ru retorted. He wasn't pleased with Jun De's sudden proclamation.

"Love, this isn't up for debate. It's too dangerous. I don't want you working on Little Sun SS."

"So you want me to give up because of a small hiccup?"

"That wasn't a small hiccup. You nearly killed yourself!" Jun De countered.

"I miscalculated a few variables. It's not like I have a manual to follow. I'll sometimes make mistakes, but they're necessary. Once I get all the kinks worked out Little Sun SS will be amazing." Taio Ru said. Unaware that his words were far from reassuring.

Jun De didn't know what to say. So he simple left for the elevator.

"Jun De, stop! I said stop!" Taio Ru exclaimed.

Unfortunately Jun De was in no mood to listen. He didn't stop until they reached the living room. Where he gently placed the upset Taio Ru on the couch.

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