Chapter 121: Prince Xiuque

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The ship soon landed in the forest beneath the area the floating island once was. A dark perfectly spherical mass roughly 11 meters in diameter lay half buried in the ground.

"Emperor, please step back. It's too dangerous. We've contacted several researchers to come and investigate the scene." A man said.

Taio Ru peeked out of Jun De's sleeve. He had done miniature experiments with the security implosion before applying it to his lab, but they all resulted in spheres less than a few cm in diameter. He was curious to see the result of a full scale implosion of the island.

Unfortunately, his view was blocked by the officer currently speaking to the Emperor. The man was dressed in the gaudiest military uniform Taio Ru had ever seen. "Jun De, whose that?" Taio Ru whispered as he tapped Jun De's wrist with his tail.

"It seems your inquisitive mind is more powerful than your PTSD induced fear?" Jun De replied. He found it amusing how Taio Ru and the three little babies all poked their heads out of his sleeve to get a better look at the scene.

Embarrassed, Taio Ru quickly retracted his head. "Whose curious? I just want to see the result of the implosion. As a scientist I should examine the results of my work." He grumbled.

Jun De nearly burst out laughing at how adorable Taio Ru was acting. "Shouldn't you already understand the final result. After all, you wouldn't have been so irresponsible as to use it without fully understanding it, would you?" Jun De teased.

"Of course not! I did proper trial runs and tests before connecting and initiating it as a security protocol on our home!" He exclaimed before his voice grew quieter and he said, "It's just, those were smaller in scale so I..."

"I understand my love, but I hope next time you decide to add additional security to our home you inform me first." Jun De said. He had obviously forgiven Taio Ru. But found it interesting how cute Taio Ru looked while feeling guilty and remorseful.

Jun De stepped forward. "Prince Xiuque, that sphere is my home and the one responsible for its current state is my husband." Jun De said his tone respectful.

"You're responsible for that! That destructive thing that happened. Arrest this man for the use of deadly weapons on Capital Star." Prince Xiuque said as he boldly posed in front of Jun De.

"As mentioned previously. The current state of my private home is the result of a security measure put in place. It was set to activate if anyone dared to trespass. It falls within my rights to protect my home and property." Jun De said.

"The Marshal is correct. He hasn't broken any laws. Although the method he used to deal with intruders is unheard of, it's not illegal." Emperor Daxiang said. The Prince looked at his father with contempt.

"Prince Xiuque, may I ask why you are here? This area isn't under your jurisdiction." Jun De asked.

"I was nearby when it happened. As prince it is my responsibility to investigate anything that puts our citizens at risk." Prince Xiuque said with a proud smug look.

"Prince Xiuque, I'm sure the citizens are thankful for your dedication. Now that the cause of the incident is known, you, and your men, can resume their regular duties." Emperor Daxiang said.

Jun De stared at the young prince. He was skeptical of the prince's excuse for being near his home when the implosion occurred.

"The Empress is careful, but her son isn't." Jun De thought. He had begun to suspect that perhaps it wasn't just the Empress he should be wary of.

The prince reluctantly left. But not before glaring fiercely at Jun De.

With everyone gone, Taio Ru slowly slithered out of Jun De's sleeve. "Could you let me down? I want to get a closer look." Taio Ru said as he tapped Jun De's wrist with his tail.

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