Chapter 27: Capital Star

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Jun De couldn't reach the bedroom quick enough, so he made a quick turn and entered the medical bay instead. The only person currently in the room was the doctor.

"Marshal?" The doctor asked. Something was clearly wrong so he stepped forward planning to help.

"Doctor could you step outside for a moment." Jun De said blocking the doctors approach.

The doctor then noticed Jun De's protective stance and the strange color of his finger tips.

"Understood I'll be outside if my services are needed." The doctor answered before stepping out.


"Love?" Jun De asked softly as he pulled his sleeve upwards.

Feeling the movement Taio Ru's reaction worsened. He squeezed Jun De's arm with all his strength as he trembled.

Jun De's heart sank. "Love, I'm sorry. It's okay now. It's just you and me. No one else is here. No one is going to hurt you." Jun De continued trying to reassure Taio Ru as he gently ran his fingers across his body.

Unfortunately, Taio Ru wasn't paying attention to Jun De's words. He was trapped in his own fear. The sounds around him became distorted and ominous. Unable to calm down Taio Ru's breathing only grew worse.

"It's loud. It scary. Don't hurt me. I'm sorry. Don't hurt me." Taio Ru kept chanting in his mind as the sounds and light around him sent him back to that moment he was attacked. The fear and helplessness filling his mind until he forgot everything else.

Watching, Jun De was at a loss. He couldn't get through to Taio Ru as things stood. With no other option and Taio Ru's condition worsening, he called the doctor back in the room.

The doctor quickly looked at Taio Ru. "He's having a panic attack. We need to calm him down quickly." The doctor said as he moved to the medical cabinet to grasp some medicine.

"What is that? Is it another tranquilizer? Last time you gave him that he slept for almost two days." Jun De asked displeased. He didn't want to knock Taio Ru out every time he had an attack.

"This is different. It's a tranquilizer, but it's function is only to calm him down. Once he starts to calm we can focus on stabilizing his breathing. Right now the priority is to get his focus out of his head." The doctor said plainer quickly as he prepared the shot.

Jun De was still hesitant to give Taio Ru medication, especially without his consent. However, Taio Ru was suffering and needed them to act quick.

"Understood." Jun Dr said as he moved his arm with the tightly wrapped Taio Ri forward.

"No!" Taio Ru shouted when he felt the sharp prick of the needle.

"Love, it's okay love. It's just a little medicine to help." Jun De immediately comforted Taio Ru. Taio Ru had started swinging his tail frantically when he was pierced by the needle, but a few seconds pass d and his body started to go limp. The feeling returning to Jun De's fingers.

Jun De took the chance to unwrap Taio Ru and place him in the palms of his hand. Gently p tying him as he spoke reassuring words. Anything to help Taio Ru through the panic attack.

"Love breath. Breathe in... breathe out... love just focus on my voice and do exactly as I say. Breathe in... breath out..." Jun De coached the lethargic Taio Ru on his breathing.

Listening to Jun De's words Taio Ru's mind began to clear and he followed along mechanically. "Breathe in... breath out. After a few minutes Taio Ru finally calmed down.

"Jun De sorry. I everything just... my body..." Taio Ru tried to explain, but couldn't find the right words.

"Love, you don't have to say anything. It's my fault. I didn't consider things properly when I decided to bring you along. I should have known better.  Jun De apologized.

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