Extra 3: Growing Family (NSFW)

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"My love, let's have another baby." Jun De said as he helped wash Taio Ru's hair in the bath.

After being together for over ten years Taio Ru no longer hated the idea of taking a bath together.

"No. We have three babies downstairs. Why do we need more?" Taio Ru said far from convinced.

"Those three aren't babies. Their ten years old. They spend everyday at school and I barely see them at all their so busy." Jun De complained.

"What's wrong with that? They're living their own lives. Doing the things they love. There's nothing wrong with that."

"I want a baby. Someone I can carry around and snuggle with. I cute little baby." Jun De added.

"You never did that with the triplets?" Taio Ru pointed out harshly.

"That's not true. When they were first born we would play and they would curl up around my fingers all cute. Now Ru De won't even look at me."

"It's your own fault your daughter ignores you. She'd be nicer if you stopped pressuring her." Taio Ru said. Since the beginning Ru De has always been closer with Taio Ru despite Jun De's years of effort trying to get closer to her.

"When have I ever pressured her. All I do is ask her how her day was and she glares at me. Taio Ru I think our daughter hates me." Jun De whined.

"She doesn't hate you. Just give her some space and let her come to you." Taio Ru suggested.

"Easy for you to say. She loves you." Jun De muttered in a low voice.

"What did you say?" Taio Ru asked not quite catching what he said.

"Nothing I was just thinking it would be nice if our relationship was better." Jun De said with a blush.


The next day Taio Ru went over to Ru De who was busy reading on the second floor deck.

"Ru Ru sweetheart, we need to talk." Taio Ru said as he sat down next to her.

"What's up dad?" Ru De said as she placed her book down.

Taio Ru looked at is beautiful daughter. Her long white hair with black tips was exactly like her father Jun De. Even her sharp eyes and cold look reminded him of Jun De while he was at work commanding his soldiers.

"Could you spend a little more time with your father? He's been feeling neglected recently."

Ru De grimaced. She didn't hate her father but she never felt they had much in common. "What am I supposed to do with him?" She asked not exactly excited with the idea.

"Why don't you show him your lab? You'll be surprised at how much he understands once you start talking to him." Taio Ru offered.

"Won't it be boring for him? I mean father prefers going outside and running around with Di Er more than sitting in a lab, doesn't he?"

"It doesn't matter what you do together. Your father just wants to spend time with you. You're his only daughter, and he loves you." Taio Ru tried his best trying to convince his youngest to spend more time with Jun De.

Ru De looked up at her dad Taio Ru and after giving it some thought she agreed. "I guess I could show him around the lab tomorrow if he has time." She said.

Taio Ru smiled and gave her a hug. "I love you Ru De." He said before leaving her alone to continue reading.


The next day Ru De invited Jun De down to her lab and the two spend the day together.

"Taio Ru did you know are little girl is so smart! She's only ten but she's already designing her own miniature mecha."

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