Chapter 10: interaction

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The next morning, Jun De woke up feeling a slight pressure on his chest. Lifting up the covers and peeking under his own shirt lay the little snake Taio Ru comfortable on his bare chest his tail swaying slightly.

Unconsciously Jun De smiled at the sight. Lowering the covers once more softly so as not to disturb him. Jun De while still laying down started to manipulate his bracelet to check if their had been any new developments.

Lieutenant Wuya had sent him a report on the progress of the interrogations. "It seems things are more difficult then originally assumed. The pirates suspected to be on the planet are known as Frozen Peak Pirates led by BeiJixiong, but those we caught are from the Midnight Horrors Pirate group led by BianFu."

If Jun De's guess is correct these two pirate groups might have joined forces during their occupation of the planet. Perhaps other groups have joined as well.


Tian Ru woke up to find himself surrounded by a gentle warmth. "Feels nice." He thought as he moved around in comfort lazily. Stretching his body, he lay his head directly on Jun De's chest.


"Heartbeat?" Taio Ru thought listening to the sound. Springing up, Taio Ru couldn't help but feel incredibly embarrassed. "Didn't... didn't go to sleep in a drawer yesterday?" Looking around he finally realized where he was.

"It's okay, maybe he hasn't noticed." Taio Ru thought as he slowly slithered his way to the exit. Unfortunately, Jun De was not asleep.

Seeing Taio Ru pop his little head out from under the covers Jun De promptly asked. "Did you sleep well?"


In a panic, Taio Ru couldn't decided how to explain why he had crawled into the man's bed. Luckily Jun De came toHis rescue.

"I'm sorry. I've been doing a little reading on the Shé clan. It seems because they are reptiles it's difficult to maintain body heat. Sleeping in the drawer must have felt cold." Jun De said giving Taio Ru the perfect excuse for his current location. While internally the word "Cute." Was running rampant.

"Ah yes, last night I felt cold. I'm sorry for crawling in next to you without first asking." Taio Ru said grabbing hold of any excuse.

"Should we head over to the cafeteria for breakfast?" Jun De asked changing the topic well.


Hearing the word breakfast Taio Ru's stomach responded before he could. With a blush Taio Ru nodded his head.


Entering the cafeteria, Taio are was met with the stares of everyone present. Unhappy he crawled under the Marshal's cuff leaving only the very tip of his tail exposed moving unhappily.

"Is there a problem?" Jun De asked the crew members, noticing Taio Ru's discomfort. Hearing their Marshal's tone everyone quickly looked away either continuing their meal or making themselves scarce. The only exception was lieutenant Laohu.

"Hahaha! Still being all lovey dovey are you." Lieutenant Laohu said earning him a strong sharp glare from the Marshal.

"Any updates?" Jun De asked as he walked towards the counter.

"From what we've learned from the prisoners I believe the situation is more complicated then originally believed. I think it would be wise to inform headquarters and request additional manpower." Lieutenant Wuya said.

"Additional manpower. Like that is possible. If they had any to spare they wouldn't have sent us out to begin with." Lieutenant Laohu scoffed.

"Our original mission is to learn about the current status of the reconnaissance team. We are not to engage in battle or attempt to subjugate the pirates. Have you managed to get any information on this matter?" Jun De asked.

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