Chapter 62: How Was Your Day? (NSFW)

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Out of breath, Jun De and Taio Ru made their way to the couch.

Sitting down Jun De pulled Taio Ru close his arms around his waist.

"Love, how was your day?" Jun De asked as he gently kissed him on the cheek, then the tip of his nose. Followed by another at the edge of his lips.

The soft butterfly like kisses felt ticklish and sweet on Taio Ru's face. A soft laugh escaping as he answered Jun De's question

"Quiet." Taio Ru answered.

"Is that all? What did you do? Where did you go? What did you eat?" Jun De asked softly kissing his face between questions.

"I worked on my research. I was in the lab. For lunch, I ate some fruit. Overall, it was a quiet day. What about you, Jun De; how was your day?" Taio Ru asked.

"I spent all morning in a meeting. They reported on what had been happening while I was away." Jun De answered.

"Did anything happen?"

"Nothing I wasn't already told by Lieutenant Wuya. Everything else was fine. The barracks have been quiet. These past two months were spent running drills and reviewing the manual. Aside from a few teams pulled away to investigate the Xiongmao clan." Jun De explained.

"That's good, right?" Taio Ru asked. He wasn't sure why but he had a feeling Jun De wasn't in the best mood when discussing work.

"It's good. The problem came in the afternoon. I received multiple requests to send soldiers to help confront the pirates." Jun De answered.

"They still haven't won?" Taio Ru was surprised. He didn't think the Empire would struggle against some pirates.

"No, Lieutenant Wuya and Laohu have been in contact with some men on the frontlines. They suspect there might be a traitor relaying all there plans to the pirates. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense how they keep ambushing our troupes."

"Will you go?" Taio Ru asked looking concerned. He couldn't help but worry when he thought of the danger.

"No, I've made it clear that it's best to remain here on Capital Star. If I leave it will weaken our defences here." Jun De said, however the real reason was obvious.

He didn't feel comfortable leaving Taio Ru's side. He also couldn't bring Taio Ru with him because of his PTSD and the dangers involved.

"I'll understand if you need to go." Taio Ru said as he rested his head on Jun De's shoulder.

"I hate it, but I can't get in the way of Jun De's career." Taio Ru thought silently.

Jun De didn't know what to say. He just hugged Taio Ru tight kissing him once more on the head.


That night, Jun De and Taio Ru  prepared for bed. Since he had recovered they had indulged in pleasure every night.

"Love, let's bathe together tonight." Jun De suggested. He hadn't given up on the idea despite Taio Ru always rejecting him.

"I don't want to do those things while in the bath." Taio Ru responded.

"Eh? It's different from usual. He usually just says no. Could he be considering it?" Jun De pondered. Feeling lucky, he decided to pursue the idea further.

"I promise I won't do anything sexual while in the bath. I just want to help you wash your back and soak quietly in the tub."

"Why?" Taio Ru asked suspicious of his true motives.

"I like spending time with you. I also think it will bring us closer together." Jun De explained.

Taio Ru paused to consider the offer. "If he really wants to maybe we could try it. But it's also embarrassing bathing together." Taio Ru's thoughts kept bouncing between agreeing and disagreeing.

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