Chapter 110: Names

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Jun De felt a light flick on his cheek. Opening his eyes he came face to face with three little snakes all staring at him.

"Did you wake up?" Jun De asked. It would seem he had also fallen asleep.

Hiss* (x3)

"They woke up just now." Taio Ru said laying next to him.

"Love, you're awake? How do you feel?"

"Better. Still tired and sore, but definitely better. What did the doctor say? I don't remember talking to him after the exam." Taio Ru said a little dazed.

"Initially your body should have recovered for the most part after 24 hours, but now it will take a few days, maybe even up to a week. He also wants me to warn you not to transform until your fully healed. Transforming now will only lengthy your recovery time." Jun De explained.

"I messed up. I..."


"Sorry little ones, what did you three want?" Taio Ru asked. The three little snakes had been slithering between the two of them hissing for attention.

"I bet it's food." Jun De said. And he was right. At the mention of the word food they all stared at him wide eyed and hopeful.

"Chuckle* Have they been eating a lot while I was asleep? The doctor said we need to portion control and only feed them 1/2 a teaspoon 5x a day." Taio Ru mentioned.

Jun De looked at the clock. It was 6:00 in the morning. Their last feeding was around 10:00 the night before. A little late, but he was happy they hadn't begged him for food when he returned at 2:00.

"Don't worry love, they've been good and I've been careful. They ate a late night snack. Now, it's time for breakfast. What about you my love, are you hungry?" Jun De asked.

"Not really, but I think I should try to eat something." Taio Ru admitted. The pain in his abdomen was still there but he knew not eating would only make things worse in the long run.

Jun De got up and went to the corner of the room. Last night when he was returning he brought back a preservation box. It was small and usually used to keep food fresh when traveling short distances. Perfect for the babies' food. This way he wouldn't have to make multiple trips to the cafeteria.

He pulled out a container full of sliced fresh fruit for Taio Ru and a smaller container of diced foods for the babies. They seemed to be willing to eat everything, unlike Taio Ru.

"Jun De how long have I been asleep?" Taio Ru asked. While playing with the little snakes.

The First was hungry so he kept watching Jun De. Taio Ru had to stop him from slithering off the edge of the bed with his hand. Sometimes even picking him up and moving him back.

The Second was more interested in Taio Ru. So he kept circling in front begging for attention. Not wanting to disappoint, Taio Ru let him use his fingers as an obstacle course and weave through them.

The Third was a lot quieter. Observing her surroundings as she rested he head on her own curled up body. Taio Ru was thankful his daughter was far easier to care for then her brothers.

"Awhile, but it's good. You need rest." Jun De said. He then brought the plates of food over to the bed on a tray. The First nearly jumped on the tray before Jun De could set it down.

"The First really loves food." Taio Ru mentioned.

"It certainly feels like he's happiest when there's food in front of him." Jun De said as he handed Taio Ru a slice of fruit.

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