Chapter 9: Bathroom Escapades

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The battle was easily won by Jun De and his crew. There were some minor injuries and damage to a few mechas,  it overall the situation ended on a positive note.

"Have the prisoners been detained?" Jun De asked as he walked towards the interrogation room.he needed to investigate who their attackers were.

The chances of them being responsible or knowing about their mission target was high. After all the team was estimated to have disappeared while on route this very route.

Lieutenant Wuya looked at Taio Ru as they approached the interrogation room. He obviously wanted to ask if the Marshal would leave him outside. However he couldn't after what had happened earlier in the control room.

Taio Ru on the other hand had fallen asleep soon after the battle concluded. He had no interest in the clean up work and promptly fell asleep in his new spot around the Marshal's neck.

Jun De had wanted to move Taio Ru back to his wrist, but sadly before he had a chance Taio Ru had already fallen asleep and he preferred not to wake him.

Entering the interrogation room Jun De sat down face to face with his one of the enemy ships' captains. He browsed though a report using his tablet and began the interrogation. The captain had tried denying any knowledge of the reconnaissance team or the pirates occupying planet A531B9.

Dissatisfied with the result of their calm discussion, Jun De decided to leave further questioning to another crew member. One who excelled in getting answers.


With nothing more to do until morning Jun are decided to get some rest. Entering his bedroom he looked down at the snake currently asleep around his neck.

"Should I wake him? No, I'm about to sleep myself. There is no reason to wake him only to tell him I will also be sleeping. For now, let's try moving him slowly on to the bed." Jun De thought as he gently grabbed the snake and began unravelling him from his neck.

"Ugh..." Taio Ru groaned before tightening his hold. He hadn't woken up, but he was clearly not willing to move either.

"Should I use more force?" Jun De thought. He had wanted to shower and change, but how could he with Taio Ru attached to him.

In the end he decided to shower in the morning instead. He removed the bulk of his clothes leaving only his undershirt and a pair boxer briefs. He personally didn't like wearing pajamas as it would be one more thing to change in and out of in case of an emergency.

Next was sleeping and another problem. "If I lay my head on the pillow won't I put pressure on Taio Ru? Should I try sleeping while sitting up?" He continued to contemplate the problem when suddenly Taio Ru woke up drowsily.

"Toilet..." he muttered barely awake.

"Taio Ru are you awake?" Jun De asked glad he had woken up.

"Hmm. Where are we? He asked looking around. The room was dark contrary to the usual well lit places they had been.

"The bedroom. I was just getting ready to wash and rest. Would you like to wash as well?" Jun De asked taking the opportunity to pull Taio arm off his neck.

Looking at Jun De while still dazed, Taio Ru nodded. "I'll take you to the bathroom first and show you how to use it." Jun De said after Taio Ru agreed.

Entering the bathroom everything seemed to make sense. There was a toilet, a shower, and a sink.

The biggest difference was that there seemed to be a lot more buttons.

Jun De started explaining the use of each button while Taio Ru rode along on his wrist.

"Cough* I think I can handle it from here." Taio Ru muttered as he faced the other way in a bit of a rush. His need to use the toilet growing more difficult to ignore.

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