Chapter 19: Meeting

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The next morning Taio Ru woke up feeling a little better. He managed to get some sleep amongst the nightmares and pain.


"Love are you okay?" Jun De asked when he heard Taio Ru groan.

"It's painful to move." Taio Ru admitted. His body felt unusually cold and every movement was painful. He wasn't hurt in a critical place, but as a snake his entire body was one big piece and any movement affected his wound.

"Don't move then. Just tell me what you want or need and I'll do it for you." Jun De said just before placing his finger gently on Taio Ru's head.


Before Taio Ru could speak his stomach grumbled. "It's good you have some appetite. I'll call lieutenant Laohu and have him bring some breakfast over." Jun De said relieved.

When someone experiences a traumatic event they often lose their appetite. He was glad this wasn't the case for his little snake.

"I want lots of fruit." Taio Ru requested in shy whisper. He usually didn't ask for anything specific. Even so, his preferences were exposed long ago. Even if he hadn't asked, Jun De would have gotten him many sweet and juicy fruit.

Jun De quickly did as he was asked and contacted lieutenant Laohu.

"He should come quickly." Jun De said before putting on a more serious face.

"Is something wrong?" Taio Ru asked.

"Love, I need to go out and have a meeting with my crew." Jun De stated.

"I... what should I do?" Taio Ru asked. He neither wanted to follow along, nor did he want to stay behind alone.

"I think it would be best if you didn't attend the meeting. In this meeting I plan on telling them about you and reprimanding them as their commanding officer and Marshal of the empire. Having you at my side is not the wisest choice." Jun De explained. He also did not want to leave Taio Ru alone after what happened, but he needed to do this right.

"Can I stay in the bamboo garden?" Taio Ru asked. Jun De had often said it could only be accessed by him. If it was there maybe he could feel a little more secure.

"Of course love. I'll bring you inside once breakfast arrives. While you eat I'll need to head out, but I promise I won't be gone for too long." Jun De explained to Taio Ru.

Knock... Knock*

Jun De stood up and walked over to the door. Usually he would just let them in, but he didn't want Taio Ru to feel uneasy.


"Marshal, I've brought the little Taio Ru his fruity breakfast." Lieutenant Laohu said with a stiff salut.

"Good. Wait outside and when I'm done we will head to the mecha bay to conduct the ship wide meeting." Jun De said.

Lieutenant Laohu nodded, but before turning around he poked his head inside and quickly asked, "Taio Ru, how are you feeling? I'm sorry you had to go through all that shit yesterday. However, don't worry I beat them up real good so it will never happen again." The lieutenant said proudly.

Taio Ru had been unconsciously holding his breath since the door opened. However, hearing lieutenant Laohu's words despite them being rough did help him relax and remember to breath again.

"Enough, wait in the corridor. I will be out soon." Jun De said pushing the large man out the door and quickly closing it again.

"Taio Ru, are you okay?" Jun De asked unsure.

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