Chapter 87: Arrest (part 2)

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Jun De quickly greeted the Head of Police, Officer Gou at the door. Before Officer Gou could say anything, Jun De had walked over to his office on the main floor.

Officer Gou quickly followed him, bringing along two more officers. It was obvious, that unlike his previous visit things would not be as perfunctory.

Entering the office, Jun De was seated at the head of the table. All other chairs placed far from him. He had quickly rearranged the room with Taio Ru in mind before they landed.

Officer Gou looked at the chairs but hesitated to sit. "Marshal, thank you for the hospitality. Unfortunately, we are here on serious business. It's difficult to say, but I need to do arrest your husband Shé Taio Ru."

"No." Jun De said his voice cold and dominating. The police in the room couldn't help but take a step back.

"Gulp* Marshal, this isn't something that can be refused. We have proof that your husband used his venomous fangs while in his beast form to viciously attack a civilian." Officer Gou steeled his resolve and continued.

"I'm aware. My answer remains the same. You cannot arrest him." Jun De repeated.

"As Marshal you must know that attacking someone while in beast form is illegal. An offence punishable with a minimum of 5 years in prison. A life sentence if it results in a death."

Jun De could feel Taio Ru's trembling worsen. He gently placed his palm over his left breast pocket.

"Is she dead?"

"No, thankfully she was quickly given first aid and rushed to the emergency room. Even though she hasn't died, I am still obligated to arrest Shé Taio Ru." Officer Gou insisted.

"No." Jun De said. His words sounded confident. However the reality was, he didn't know how to solve their current predicament. He was simply stalling for time.

Suddenly the doctor walked in.

"Marshal, sorry I'm late. It took some time to find the information." He said as he quickly walked past the officers to Jun De's side.

"Marshal, this is?" Officer Gou asked perplexed by the doctor's arrival.

"Head of Police Officer Gou, this is my subordinate and the doctor currently responsible for managing Taio Ru's health." Jun De announced.

"Is there a problem with Shé Taio Ru's health that requires an on-call physician?" Officer Gou asked. He could sense something important would soon be revealed.

"Officer Gou, you are here to arrest Taio Ru for attacking someone using his beast form. A beast form classified as predatory and dangerous because of his venomous nature. Correct?" The doctor began asking.

"Correct. He has broken Cardinal Law 5 of the Empire. Citizens of the Empire are forbidden from using their beast forms to engage in battle. With a sub clause stating any who hold a predatory beast form be judged as attempting murder." Officer Gou proclaimed with confidence.

"You are aware of the special circumstances in which this law is void?" The doctor questioned.

"Naturally. In times of war, citizens may use their beast form to protect themselves from the enemy. Military personnel are also permitted to engage in beast form battle. However they may only use it in training with other active military personnel or the enemy. Shé Taio Ru and the woman he attacked are neither in the military, nor is this a an active war zone." Officer Gou stated insulted by the question.

"You forgot the third exception. Pregnant beastmen cannot be judge as violating the law without proof of a premeditated attack. Due to their instinctual need to protect their young. Resulting in aggressive and volatile behaviour."

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