Chapter 53: Investigation (Part 2)

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"Marshal, could you explain what happened next?" Officer Gou asked. He needed to finish the questioning, but didn't dare ask Taio Ru.

"When I reached Lab 73 Taio Ru opened the locked door allowing me to enter. He was barely able to stand with the help of those two apprentices. Blood dripping down his face despite already being bandaged. I picked him up and we headed for the tenth floor." Jun De explained is eyes focused on Taio Ru.

"Why the tenth floor?" Officer Gou asked.

"The apprentice said there would be a safety area. The seventh floor was quickly filling with smoke and fire, remaining would be impossible." Jun De said.

"... Another explosion." Taio Ru added.

"Love, don't talk. I'll explain it." Jun De quietly said as he rubbed Taio Ru's shoulder.

"Another explosion?" Officer Gou asked curiously.

"Likely caused from the fire reaching some chemicals or equipment. There were a few secondary explosions. When they seized we proceeded upstairs." Jun De clarified.

"Did you encounter any difficulties reaching the tenth floor?" Officer Gou asked.

"The staircase was badly damaged. Once we reached the tenth floor, conditions improved." Jun De said.

"When did you contact your lieutenants?" Officer Gou asked.

"In the safety area. The Lieutenant contacted me." Jun De said.

"I had reached outside the Research Centre and called to ask his whereabouts." Lieutenant Wuya added.

"You arrived quickly?" Officer Gou asked concerned by the quick response time.

"I received an urgent message at 15:53 from a subordinate tasked with monitoring the Xiongmao family. Specifically, Jun Li. It warned of the bomb that had been sent to the Research lab." Lieutenant Wuya explained.

"The bomb was apparently detonated at 16:00. Did you inform anyone of the impending attack?" Officer Gou asked.

"Receiving the message I contacted the Marshal who was on route to pick up Taio Ru at the Research Centre. I then contacted Lieutenant Laohu to make arrangements." Lieutenant Wuya explained.

"Why did you not inform the Research Lab?" Officer Gou asked unable to disguise his disappointment.

"I did not have their contact information readily available. Once I retrieved it, the bomb had exploded." Lieutenant Wuya said regretfully.

"Marshal Xiongmao, why did you not contact the Research Centre?" Officer Gou asked.

"It was an oversight." Jun De said passing a glass of water to Taio Ru.

"When did you arrive at the Research Lab?" Officer Gou asked noting the timeframe.

"I was within the blast radius' air space when it exploded. I immediately landed and ran inside in search of Taio Ru." Jun De said. Taking back the glass from Taio Ru. He grimaced at the pitiful amount Taio Ru drank.

Officer Gou wanted to ask how Jun De reached the seventh floor. Before he could Jun De stood up and with a frightening speed and grabbed the trash can placed in the corner of the room.

"Urgh... cough!"

Suddenly Taio Ru began to vomit in the trash can Jun De placed in front of him.

Taio Ru's condition had been worsening throughout the questioning.

"Hey, should we call the doctor? I'll call the doctor!" Lieutenant Laohu exclaimed in a panic.

"No. He needs rest." Jun De said grumpily. Picking up Taio Ru and carrying him out of the office.

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