Chapter 22: Apology

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Taio Ru felt much better, but it wasn't perfect. As they approached Capital Star, Jun De needed to spend more time in the control room and his office.

"Love, staying in the garden or coming with me to the control room, which do you prefer?" Jun De asked. Previously Taio Ru would stay in the garden. Each time Jun De returned he would find Taio Ru curled tightly in fear. Therefore, he wanted Taio Ru to come with him.

Although that's what Jun De wanted, Taio Ru refused each time. The thought of meeting the other soldiers seemed more terrifying than what he felt alone in the garden. Jun De asks again hoping for a different response.

"Everyone will be upset if I go to the control room or your office." Taio Ru said feeling dejected.

"Love, I think you'll be surprised to find that no one is against your presence on this ship. Those who are have been locked away and will be dealt with in military court when we reach Capital Star. There is no reason you cannot follow me wherever I go." Jun De said.

He much preferred keeping Taio Ru by his side. Even if, it caused Taio Ru stress. At the very least, Jun Fe believed it was better than returning to the garden to find his little snake suffering alone.


Taio Ru continued to hesitate when suddenly a knock came from the door. Startled Taio Ru jumped directly into Jun De's arms.

Without letting Taio Ru go, Jun De moved to open the door.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Taio Ru thought as he slithered his way  over to Jun De's wrist so he could hide.


The door opened and on the other side stood lieutenant Laohu and lieutenant Wuya.

"Marshal everyone is in the control room awaiting your arrival." Lieutenant Wuya said. He quickly glanced down at the Marshal's wrist, but unlike before he didn't grimace at the sight of Taio Ru.

Taio Ru was also observing lieutenant Wuya's reaction and when he wasn't glared at he let out a sigh.

Feeling Taio Ru loosen his grip and steady his breath, Jun De simply walked forward and headed to the control room with Taio Ru firmly wrapped around his wrist.

"Jun De?! What are you doing? Why are you suddenly leaving? Let me down first." Taio Ru thought inwardly. His tail tapping irritably against Jun De's wrist with every step.

Jun De knew Taio Ru wasn't happy with his decision to suddenly take him along. Nevertheless, he recalled the doctor's advice about pushing Taio Ru. Remaining locked away from the rest of the world would only hurt him, not help him in the long run.


"Damn it. You're lucky we aren't alone right now or I'd be giving you a piece of my mind." Taio Ru grumbled with every step.

Entering the control room everyone went quiet. Moments passed in silence as the crew observed the Marshal's current mood. During their observation they noticed the slight presence of Taio Ru beneath the Marshal's sleeve.

"Thank the heavens he's back!" Everyone cheered internally.

"Report." Jun De ordered.

"Yes, Sir! The surrounding areas are clear. Estimated time before entering Capital Star's space is 21 hours." One officer stood up and reported.

Hearing the voice, Taio Ru's body immediately tensed. His senses focused on his surroundings prepared for any danger.

"Stay on course. Report immediately in the event of unknown ships appearing in the vicinity." Jun De commanded as he prepared to step out and go to his office next.

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