Chapter 104: Babies

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Looking into the crib he saw Taio Ru shivering with a slimy ball by his side.

"What the hell is that?" Was Jun De's first thought when he saw it.

Then it wiggled and shook.

"Love, is... is that a baby?" Jun De asked.

Taio Ru lifted his head to speak when another wave of contractions hit.

"Jun DEEeee!" He groaned as the next baby slowly squeezed out of his body.

Jun De watched as Taio Ru gave birth to another slimy ball. Unable to say a word, Jun De could only stare blankly at the scene in front of him.

With the second baby out, Taio Ru could finally breathe. "Jun De." He whimpered, as he gasped for air.

"I'm here, Love." Jun De said as he gently touched his head with his finger.

The warmth felt wonderful to Taio Ru. As he nuzzled his finger. "Jun De, I can't look. Are they okay? They aren't making any sounds or moving." Taio Ru asked, too afraid to check himself.

"I don't know. They look like they're still in these see through eggs or something. Weren't they supposed to be born, not in an egg?" Jun De asked confused by what he saw.

Taio Ru looked at him with eyes that said, "Why are you asking me?".

"Should I help them get out?" Jun De asked stupidly breaking the silence.

"I don't know? How would I know?" Taio Ru complained.

Just then the first little sac tore open and a white and red spotted snake popped his little head out. Tilting its head to the side it stuck out its tiny little tongue and hissed.

"Adorable!!!" Jun De thought as he looked at the tiny little snake. His first baby.

Taio Ru heard the light hiss and finally found the courage to look. "So you're the little f**** who couldn't wait one more day?" Taio Ru said his brow furrowing.

"Love, are you seriously holding a grudge right now?" Jun De thought in awe.

Suddenly the second baby, a black and red spotted snake popped his head out. Jun De and Taio Ru looked over before the first baby noticed. When suddenly the second lunged forward and landed directly on top of the first.

It then looked up with a stupidly cute toothless smile. A look of anticipation in its eyes.

Jun De and Taio Ru were frozen in place. "Is the first okay?" They wondered.

Jun De reached his hand out to grab the smiling baby and check if the first was okay.

"Ugh!*" Taio Ru groaned. Somehow caught of guard by the third round of contractions.

"Love? Are you okay?"

"Third..." Taio Ru whimpered.

Soon his voice grew more muffled as the third baby started to come out. Tears flowing down his eyes.

The two little babies saw their father Taio Ru in distress and slithered up close. Nudging his neck with their tiny little heads.

The third baby came out but didn't seem to want to break out of the slimy egg sack. The two other babies moved close the First stared curiously, while the second was braver. Using its tail to poke and prod at it.

"Love it's been nearly five minutes. Shouldn't it have come out by now?" Jun De asked.

"Is it alive?" Taio asked in a more grim tone.

"Of course it's alive! It probably just needs a little help." Jun De said. He then reached out and attempted to open the sac.

Before he could, the tiny snake broke free on his own with a big yawn. He lazily took in his surroundings before popping it's head back in to sleep.

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