Chapter 50: Bomb (part 2)

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"Taio Ru!" Jun De screamed as he pushed past the crowd. He remembered that his lab would be on the seventh floor.

Looking up the emergency staircase he could see the scared faces of people as they rushed down.

"How am I supposed to go up?" He questioned. The amount of people coming down made it impossible to head upstairs. As he looked up he suddenly realized if he can't use the steps he could just climb the railings.

Jun De lifted himself on the railing facing the inside. Looking up he jumped at grabbed the railing across from him. Pulling himself up he turned and repeated the process.

Some people noticed him, but they were too concerned with going down to care. Jun De continued his ridiculous, yet affective method to go upstairs. Determined to reach the seventh floor.

Reaching the fourth floor landing, the number of people going down the stairs dropped significantly, no it was now zero.

Jun De stepped down from the railing taking a moment to check his surroundings. The fourth floor felt suffocating and hot. The next floor had black noxious smoke pouring out of it. The stairs themselves looked unstable. Jun De looked up listening to the sound of debris falling.

"I need to get passed that. Hold on Love, I'll be there soon." Jun De said.

The damage was too severe for him to continue jumping. So he took the steps. Running up three steps at a time, being careful not to step on any debris along the way.

Passing the fifth floor, Jun De covered his face with his jacket. He could here the calls for help coming from the people trapped or hurt not far away. However he had one goal. Taio Ru. Without any hesitation he ran passed the fifth and sixth floors.

The damage on these floors seemed the worst. "The bomb must have gone off on the fifth floor blowing through and spreading to the fourth and sixth floors." Jun De thought thankful it wasn't the seventh floor.

"It's okay. He's okay." Jun De kept telling himself as he rushed forward.



As Taio Ru and the other two approaches the door they heard a sudden loud bang. Kneeling down afraid it was a secondary explosion they waited for the worst.

"Taio Ru!"

Hearing someone yell out his name followed by a banging Taio Ru realized it was someone, no it was Jun De making the banging sound.

"Jun De!" Taio Ru shouted back as he hit the door. Noticing it was still locked from earlier Taio Ru raised his bracelet to the panel.


The door opened and on the other side stood Jun De. His body covered in black soot and sweat.

"Jun De! You're here." Taio Ru said his eyes red. He'd been calm through the explosion, even when he realized he'd gotten hurt. Even so, with one look at Jun De the fear and pain could no longer be suppressed.

Jun De didn't say anything. He grabbed the trembling Taio Ru, tightly embracing him in his arms. The two men stood in the doorway unmoving.

Boom! Bang!

Suddenly the building started to shake. The sound of multiple explosion could be heard from below. Jun De acted quick moving Taio Ru back into the room and closing the door behind him.

The lab's condition was better than the halls. As he ran up Jun De noticed the fire spreading to the seventh floor in some places.

"What was that!?" Apprentice Bianfu shouted once the explosions stopped.

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