Chapter 106: Human Again

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un De returned to the Control Room to find everyone hard at work.

"Marshal, You're back?!" An officer exclaimed in shock. It wasn't just him either. Nearly everyone was shocked to see Jun De return.

"Commander Ma. Thank you for the assistance while I handle a personal matter." Jun De said as he walked over to the commander.

"It was an honour to help."  Commander Ma said before catching Jun De up on all important matters.

Once caught up, Jun De made his rounds through the different areas of the ship. Checking on the crew and managing the ships affairs. A lot needed to be done.


An officer was hard at work repairing some damage to the ship. Exhausted and despondent. His fellow officer (no love interest would be more appropriate) was badly injured during the battle.

He wanted to go to the medical bay to see him. Unfortunately, his love interest was sent to another ship for medical care. With so much work, he wouldn't be able to travel to the other ship without urgent cause.

Therefore he quietly worked on the Zenith. While working the Marshal appeared. "The Marshal! Why is he here? I heard his husband just gave birth. Shouldn't he be with them?" The officer wondered.

Confused, the officer forgot to salut the Marshal. He could only stare dumbfounded.

"Officer Lu, how long until repairs in this section are complete?" The Marshal asked him. His words and demeanour looked the same, but the tone and atmosphere around him was different.

"Three hours." The officer responded after a brief moment of silence.

"Understood." The Marshal said before turning to leave.

The Officer in a moment of impulse stopped Marshal Xiongmao. "Sir, shouldn't you be with your newborn child and husband? I heard he gave birth during the battle." He asked.

If he were honest, he asked a little out of resentment and envy. When he heard about the birth, he could only think about how the person he had a crush on was suffering after nearly losing his life in the battle. All while the Marshal's loved one was celebrating the birth of their child.

"My heart is with them, while this body and mind our with my men who need me now. Once we finish here and things have settled I can return to them. You will also be able to return to those you cherish." The Marshal said before once again turning to leave.

"Marshal, congratulations!" The officer called out. Regretting his previous malcontent.

"Thank you." The Marshal replied as he continued on his way. A slight smile, donning his lips.


Jun De entered the medical bay to check on the injured. Following behind him was an anxious Lieutenant Wuya.

"Doctor, do you have a moment to spare?" Jun De asked.

"Marshal, I know it looks a bit hectic in here. But honestly things are good. The injuries are treatable. The worst is Lieutenant. Cough* Sorry, I mean Officer Laohu." Doctor Haitung said. His mistake caused by exhaustion and past habits.

"How bad is it? Where is he? Is it possible to go see him? Is the damage permanent? What d..."

"Lieutenant Wuya, calm yourself." Jun De suddenly commanded. His words cutting off Lieutenant Wuya's barrage of questions.

"Officer Laohu suffered an injury to the chest. A piece of equipment had dislodged and pierced through his chest. Thankfully, it missed the heart and only damaged the right lung and surrounding tissue and muscle. The wound will heal. However he will need time to rest before he can return to active duty. If you wish to speak with him yourself he's in bed 8." The doctor explained.

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