Chapter 85: Is He Venomous?

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Jun De helped Taio Ru to his chair. He purposely sat Taio Ru on his right between him and the lieutenant. "The further Taio Ru is from that suspicious woman the better." He thought. His doubts and wariness becoming more evident.

Taio Ru had no complaints. He was too busy focusing on calming his nerves than the strange woman and their seating arrangements.

"Marshal, we arrived so early for dinner. We didn't think you and Taio Ru would arrive for another 30 minutes. It's lucky my girlfriend Anna wanted to leave early in case we met with traffic. Right my darling?" Lieutenant Laohu bragged happily.

"It certainly is a wonderful coincidence. It would have been simply terrible if we came at the arranged time. I'm distressed only imagining the possibility of making our Noble Marshal wait." Anna said with a look of concern.

Jun De ignored the two person skit and focused most of his attention on Taio Ru. Gently rubbing his back and holding his hand.

"Is Taio Ru okay? Is it his "you know what" acting up?" Lieutenant Laohu asked. Choosing his words carefully after receiving a glare from the marshal.

"He will be fine." Jun De said.

"Is he unwell?" Anna asked a slight tremble in her voice.

"Well, you see Taio Ru has..."



"Lieutenant Laohu please refrain from discussing Taio Ru's health." Jun De said.

"Eh! Why? It's not a secret, is it?" Lieutenant Laohu said dumbfounded by how secretive Jun De was acting.

"Having someone's personal information told to strangers is unwelcome." Jun De stated.

"Stranger? Anna isn't a stranger. She's my girlfriend." Lieutenant Laohu said slightly offended by Jun De's words.

"Sweetie, it's okay. It's the first time we've met. It would be strange if our brave Marshal trusted me immediately." She interrupted looking aggrieved yet understanding.

"Jun De can I have some water?" Taio Ru suddenly asked. He was feeling parched after finally calming down to an extent.

"Of course, love." Jun de said as he called the waiter over.

"Please bring some... Love is warm water okay?"

Taio Ru nodded, in approval.

"Some warm water. And a small plate of bread." Jun De told the waiter.

"Darling would you like some water or something to drink?" Lieutenant Laohu asked.

"... Oh, yes please. Some warm water sounds just right." Anna said after a short pause. She seemed distracted as she watched the gentle intimacy between Jun De and Taio Ru.


The water quickly came along with the plain bread Jun De had ordered.

"Have sone bread to settle your stomach while we wait for the main course." Jun De said as he handed Taio Ru a small slice of bread.

Taio Ru slowly started nibbling on the bread. But soon stopped when he noticed a burning stare on him. "Why is she staring at me?" He questioned. Goosebumps running up his arms.

"That bread certainly looks delicious. Marshal do you mind if I have a small piece as we wait?" Anna asked. Slowly batting her long eyelashes revealing the large clear eyes beneath.

"If you want bread I can order you some." Lieutenant Laohu jumped in to offer.

"That's okay. I just want a small bite. It would be a waste to order another plate. Don't you agree Marshal?" Anna quickly said; stopping the lieutenant.

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