Chapter 26: Marshal Shizi

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Lieutenant Laohu returned to the bedroom with trays full of food and lieutenant Wuya following behind. Knowing things might be awkward or that something happened between Taio Ru and the Marshal. He had practically begged lieutenant Wuya to come with him.

Surprisingly when he did return he found things to be fine. Even better than fine. "What's with all the pink bubbles floating everywhere." Lieutenant Laohu complained as he placed the food on the table.

Jun De sent lieutenant Laohu a glare before shifting his attention over to lieutenant Wuya. "What's our current status?" Jun De asked.

"Everything is according to plan. We should reach Capital Star's space within the hour. Two hours until we reach Marshal Shizi's barracks." Lieutenant Wuya reported.

Satisfied by the answer Jun De sat down and began grabbing all the fruit on the table placing it in front of Taio Ru.

Is Taio Ru looked down at the fruit with a complicated face. "Eating as a snake is really embarrassing, and Jun De and I have talked and made things clear regarding "that". It shouldn't be strange if I transform to eat. No, I can't I don't have any proper clothes. Even so..." Taio Ru was struggling between transforming or not.

"Love is something wrong?" Jun De asked noticing Taio Ru's hesitation. Normally he would quickly dig in.

"Jun De, do you not have any clothes that are smaller?" Taio Ru asked. He was leaning more towards transforming, but didn't want to put on Jun De's oversized clothes.

Hearing his words Jun De froze. "Does it want to transform again? No, that's not good. How can you transform in front of others so easily?" He thought, panicking internal while externally he showed a straight face.

"Love, I think you should wait until we reach Capital Star and prepare everything first." Jun De answered.

Taio Ru nodded in agreement. "That's true, there's no need to transform yet. These two have already seen me eat as a snake several times." Taio Ru thought.

"What's all that about?" Lieutenant Laohu asked confused by their conversation.

"It's not your concern." Jun De quickly answered. He didn't want anyone to know Taio Ru could transform. "Why would I let you see my seductive Taio Ru?" Jun De remarked internally.

Taio Ru also ignored Lieutenant Laohu's question and set his sights on the juicy orange slice on the plate. It's sweet juice splashed as he bit into it happily.

As they finished breakfast a message arrived indicating they had reached Capital Star Space. "Taio Ru I need to go to the control room. Do you plan on coming along or waiting here?" Jun De asked Taio Ru.

"Why ask? Just take him with you." Lieutenant Laohu exclaimed sick of the pink and fluffy atmosphere.

"Going to the control room is fine, but once we land the Marshal will need to transfer the prisoners over to Marshal Shizi. It might be best for Taio Ru to remain here until we arrive at our own barracks." Lieutenant Wuya rebutted.

Everyone on board their ship had accepted Taio Ru, but they couldn't be certain how Marshal Shizi and his other subordinates would react.

Taio Ru shivered from the thought of being near so many other people. Whereas Jun De was thinking it would be best to keep Taio at his side.

Noticing a change in the room both lieutenant Laohu and Wuya decided to make themselves scarce. "Marshal we're going ahead first." Lieutenant Laohu said pulling Wuya out the door.

Jun De looked over at Taio Ru. "Love are you scared?" Jun De asked.

"You're going to be so busy working. It's probably better if I stay here, right?" Taio Ru asked nervously. His body curling up into a tight little bundle.

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