Chapter 5: The Marshal's New Accessory

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"This may be a little late, but what is your name?" Taio Ru asked. He had never had much interest in others but even he knew it would be rude to continue to refer to the man in front of him as "you".

"I am Xiongmao Jun De Marshal of the Beastman Empire." Jun De Sid introducing himself in a very professional and rigid fashion.

"Nice to meet you. Would you prefer I call you Marshal?" Taio Ru asked.

The obvious choice was to say yes. He was a Marshal and while on the ship everyone emerged to him in. This manner. Even so, when he thought of being called marshal by the little snake he changed his mind and subconsciously answered, "Jun De."

"Jun De? Understood. It's nice to meet you Jun De. My name is Dr. Chen Taio Ru. I was the chief researcher on multiple projects with doctorates in a variety of fields. But my knowledge may be useless in this place. So please call me Taio Ru." Taio Ru said as he showed a toothless smile while tilting his head to the side. The appearance both funny yet cute at the same time.


The soft sound of grumbling escaped the little snakes belly. Taio Ru's already crimson scales turned a shade darker when he realized the sound had come from his own stomach.

"Sorry, that I can't remember eating anything, so I, mm." Tai Ru said trying to hide his embarrassment.

Jun De pulled out the supplement jelly he had taken from the cafeteria earlier. "You can eat this. It has all the nutrition a beastman needs from a single meal." Jun De said as he showed Taio Ru the supplement.

Taio Ru looked at the supplement Jelly, reminded of the squeeze jellies he often ate / drank in the past while working overtime.

A little disappointed by the realization that delicious food may not be possible, Taio Ru's body sank into Jun De's palm.

"What's wrong?" jun De asked noticing Taio Ru's discontent. The little snakes mood was very easy to judge based on its movements. The tip of his tail being the most expressive.

Taio Ru moved his tail inn a circle at the base of Jun De's wrist. "Nothing, I'm grateful for the food." Taio Ru said not willing to complain about something he had received for free.

"But?" Jun De asked knowing there was something more. Taio Ru naturally hesitated, but soon resolved himself to just say it. He had long since decided to be honest Jun De.

"It's just, eating a jelly, isn't the most appetizing. That isn't to say I'm not grateful. I am. Jun De thank you for the meal." Taio Ru quickly said as he wrapped his tail around the jelly and started tugging on it. His movements stiff and a little unnatural.

Hearing Taio Ru's words Jun De was reminded of lieutenant Laohu's words from earlier about the importance of eating a properly cooked meal.

"If you wish to eat something cooked, we can go to the cafeteria and have them prepare something for you." Jun De said. He seemed to be making many concessions for the little snake he would never do for others.

"Really! Is there real food the kind with meat and vegetables, maybe even some fruit?" Taio Ru exclaimed excitedly at the thought of eating a proper meal again.

It had been a long time since he last ate a well cooked meal. It wasn't that the research centre did not have a cafeteria for staff, but that he never had the time to sit down and eat a meal.

Especially the last month before he died. Aside from the occasional porridge or ramen noodles cooked in the break room, his meals consisted entirely on nutritional jellies and energy bars.

Seeing the excitement on the little snakes face as it tapped the tip of its tail happily. Jun De smiled. "Let's go to the cafeteria then." He said standing up with no intention of putting Taio Ru down.

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